One Of My Very Own
The Ohio Attorney General says he can't find any evidence of a 10-year-old rape victim having to go out of state for an abortion.
Are you believers even wondering where heaven is?
My wife's toxic trait is saying "Long story short" and then telling the full-length unabridged start-at-birth story anyway.
You can tell a lot about a person by whether they are an "Arrr" pirate or a "Yo ho ho" pirate.
No, we are not "In This Together". To a rich person, a fine simply means it's legal. The same applies to abortion. They just fly to a different state or country to get one. The poor can not.
I also find it laughable that the same folks who cry out that blacks are going to replace them now force poor black women to have MORE babies.
I have exchanged dozens of emails with a graffiti artist in Kyiv. I once asked him how he would feel if someone tagged his grandmother's house or his car. He said I didn't understand. And he is exactly right. I don't.
I STILL get comments from anti-mask, anti-vaccine morons.
I once asked a dear friend if he were a Christian and he said he was. I asked him a dozen questions about the virgin birth, the world being 6000 years old, that nonbelievers will suffer for ETERNITY, etc. and he said he didn't believe all those myths. I then asked how he could claim to be a Christian and he said it was because "I have always done it that way".
It's the same thing when they ask you your religion to include on your dog tags. It is suggested that there are limited acceptable responses - Christian, of course, being one of them. I had "Hedonism" engraved on mine and nobody batted an eye.
I couldn't agree more.
I fear that the reason so many Republican states have eliminated or curtailed mail-in ballots is that there are plans afoot for Trump's modern-day Brown Shirts to disrupt polling places in heavily Democratic precincts.
And all they have to do is mill around with loaded assault rifles while wearing body armor.
Apparently, 50% of home ownership entails hearing strange noises and hoping they are made by ghosts because you can't afford to fix anything.
*Viewer contribution
I'm writing my next novel in the fifth person so every sentence will start with "I heard from this guy who told somebody..."
Leningrad (aka St. Petersburg) in 1924.
That’s when an unconventional chess match was played by Peter Romanovsky and Ilya Rabinovich, two chess masters of the day.
Apparently, they called in their moves over the telephone. And then real-life chess pieces–in the form of human beings and horses–were moved across a huge chessboard covering Palace Square. Members of the Soviet Union’s Red Army served as the black pieces; members of the Soviet navy were the white pieces.
Hubble Ultra Deep Field (2014).
This sonification of the 2014 Hubble Ultra Deep Field plays a single note for each galaxy in the image. The later the note plays in this musical piece, the farther away the galaxy is. The pitch of the note indicates the galaxy’s color (lower notes are redder, higher notes are bluer) and the volume indicates the galaxy’s apparent size. In just under a minute, we can hear back nearly 13 billion years to the farthest galaxies in that photo. The light we see from those galaxies was emitted when the universe was only a few hundred million years old.
Here are the stars put to music:
What sort of netting is that?
Explain that...I dare you.
Swiss-made wind-up fan manufactured in Switzerland in the 1910s. Spring motor provides a breeze for 30 minutes.
Cleveland Fire
*Verification Requested
Makhana / Fox Nuts
Makhana is the seed of the lotus plant that is used in the preparation of sweets as well as savories. These seeds can be consumed raw or in cooked form.
But it's not just me. The whole world is in awe.
This is a screen shot of the image site I visit daily.
Here's the difference...
“A patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground”, Webb’s first image

And it didn't take long before the memeists went to work...

I really hate those awkward fake conversations before someone asks you for a favor.
I have opened many cans of worms and it's hardly the chaos that's advertised.
You might want to look at that again.
She looks more like a Ginger.
The guy worked way too hard on these for me not to share.
---It's like the ram knows to be gentle.
I knew by that first awful spray that disaster was afoot.
That line never worked for me either.
What were these kindergarten kids asked to make?
I heard a guy on his phone in the beer aisle at the grocery store say:
"BUSCH?!? Nobody drinks Busch unless they're on parole." True story.
I scanned that article and it had the usual complaints...
Then there was this...
Walk this way, Lukasz Wierzbowski
My first wife tried that line and it came out as "Walk like me." True.
I have a habit of watching the ash on any cigarettes held in movies and more often than not they lengthen and shorten due to the multiple takes.
How the fuck was he talked into doing that?
VR Terror

Nice recovery.

The Ohio Attorney General says he can't find any evidence of a 10-year-old rape victim having to go out of state for an abortion.
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