About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 21, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The only reason I can see for being anti-union is that you own shares in the company and want to profit from the continued exploitation of the workers.


It will all depend on how the voting is manipulated in the next elections.


Not for tens of millions of essential workers like the cashier at Taco Bell.





*Unless you're Donald Trump, then you are a 

danger to this country and need to be locked up.


A question:

How does the Navy prove that you are not claustrophobic before they train you to work on a submarine? And I wonder what the failure rate is due to that malady.


Tourist's video of explosion at the Hoover Dam

Very few details. Does anybody know what happened?



In a world where you can be anything, be the terror in the dark who brings nightmares to men who called their female colleagues "babe".


Thank you Ring camera for showing my underwear stains as I bend over to pick up my Amazon boxes.




I bet their binoculars got fogged up.


What's a "problem" for some people is normal behavior for most women...and some men.






I haven't a clue.


Liftoff in 3, 2, 1...






Self Defense Tutorial



Me: No problemo.

Narrator: But it was all problemo.


*I've often thought about being the second person to step on the moon. Although a great achievement, it pales in comparison to being the first.


The term "domestic housewife" implies that there are feral housewives so my wife might be on to something.



I read an analysis of the impossibility of dragons in that they have six limbs - four legs and two wings.


And it seems to roll very smoothly.



What's with the fan?


If you want a real sense of danger, forget the roller coaster and just climb that thing without handrails.


Those always leave me in awe but who funds them?



The highlight of his night...

And probably theirs.


The deepest shipwreck ever discovered

The USS Samuel B. Roberts destroyer sunk during World War II has been found nearly 7,000 meters (23,000 feet) below sea level off the coast of the Philippines, making it the world's deepest shipwreck ever located. It went down during a battle near the central island of Samar on 25 October 1944 as US forces fought to liberate the Philippines.


I watched a documentary on that little ship and its heroics. You might want to look it up.


Papa Bird brings home the bacon...


20 Year Daughter


Fast ain't it?


And a good time was had by all.



People complain a lot about gas prices and then pay Uber Eats to deliver a ham sandwich from 2 blocks away.


It is possible to live in Canada and be closer to someone in England than to someone in Canada.



I've backed a boat into the water hundreds of times and EVERY time I did it I envisioned clips showing the vehicle ending up in the water. Every. Time.


Mudslides are terrifyingly fast!



It was stated that the driver lived...but I don't see how.


I have seen dozens of scenes like that and have never understood why they didn't just drive through the barrier.


That huge explosion as seen from the sea...





Well, he found the pipeline.


I call that out driving your brakes - meaning driving faster than you can stop.


The most nervous I will ever be is when my #1 Advisor's satellite lifts off.


Their reaction time seems a bit slow to me.


Well, there's your problem right there.


Two-dick dog lucky driver...

Pilot, not so much.


Wait for it...


Fun with mud...





A foreigner's view of America






Anonymous said...

c13: That is one awesome party they had. Do you know who John Resig is? He is the MAN of javascipt.

ponder said...

Very few details. Does anybody know what happened?

Transformer went badaboom, big badaboom!


ponder said...


Robin said...

Puzzle Time: I think the answer will be D31.

S30 - September 30 Days.

O31 - October 31 Days.

N30 - November 30 Days.

D31 - December 31 Days.

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