About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 21, 2022

MONDAY #5080

One Of My Very Own









Breaking Blad(der)





It's always funnier when it happens to rich people.


Who remembers?

Hell, I minored in pottery so we made ours out of clay.


Speaking of...

Listen, if you have never smoked marijuana then shut the fuck up about legalization because you have no idea what you are talking about.



I knew a young man that I really liked. He had a great personality and an uncanny ability to attract the most attractive women. But he was a raging alcoholic. He once told me that the night before he had had a great time and I asked him what he did. He told me he couldn't remember a thing, but he was sure it was fun. That made zero sense to me.





That reminds me of a gay friend who went to the hospital because he took too many of the wrong pills. The nurse asked him to put his finger down his throat to induce vomiting and he said, "I've been ignoring my gag reflex so long I once took a grown man's foot all the way down my throat so I don't think a finger has much of a chance."



If a woman sits on your face she owns you. Squatters rights as it were.


"Faded AF" spelled backward...



Ukraine Banksy

It's at the very bottom.




Did you notice the eye?



Potato Pavé

*I once told my chef friend that not only was he an artist but the only artist to have his art digested.


Try to wrap your head around the fact that there are people whose potholes were created by artillery shells.



The way people overreact to how good Chick-fil-A is, makes me wonder if their sexual needs are being met.


Did you ever notice that the people who had parents that loved each other and love them always find each other and live happily ever after? Meanwhile, the rest of us have to fuck the broken childhood out of one another.





*I'm not sure he said that but it needed saying.


A political party that sees nothing wrong with what happened on Jan.6 deserves no respect whatsoever.


Stockholm Syndrome at its purest.



This is a comment exchange I had recently.

A9: No idea but she obviously doesn’t see her own stupidity. During the peak of covid hysteria, I saw a woman driving alone in her car and she was double-masked just like Fauci said. Sieg Heil for the mask nazis.

My reply:

Dear A9 Anon, Thank you so much for your comment. I respectfully request that you tell me everything we should have done when faced with a pandemic that killed over A MILLION of us. Please help me. I have been waiting for this for a long time. Pretend you are in charge and your citizens start dropping dead. What do you tell them to do to help them survive? Seriously, I beg you to respond. Please.



I have yet to receive a reply. I have never gotten a reply to several similar requests. So if you are an anti-mask, anti-social distancing, anti-vaccine zealot PLEASE let us know what you would have done.


It's a similar request to solving the murder of our children in their classrooms. What are you willing to do? 


The 5th: I can't answer that because it will be admitting guilt and I don't want to go to jail.


In 1971, "DB Cooper" hijacked a plane from Portland, Oregon and eventually parachuted into the Pacific Northwest wilderness with $200,000 strapped to his body. He was never seen again.

And now a lab analysis found a variety of metals on the tie left behind on the plane – most notably a unique and rare titanium alloy that Ulis' research indicates was produced by only one company: Crucible Steel – formerly Rem-Cru Titanium. Ulis contacted the company, now known as Crucible Industries, tracked down former employees still alive who worked there in the 1960s and '70s, and traveled to Pittsburgh, where Crucible Steel was located. This led Ulis to the man he now believes was probably D.B. Cooper, the late Vince Petersen.

*But the fundamental question left unanswered was did Mr. Petersen disappear on the day in question.


Zahedan, Iran. Anti-regime protest


Russian New Commentary




How to tell your psychiatrist how bad it is without taking another grippy sock vacation.


Do not expect me to stop if you are broken down on the side of the road. You were offered an extended car warranty multiple times.



The camera angle makes it look much more vertical than it is but still impressive.


I think that was used to extract spies from behind enemy lines.


I had to look it up.

What Is The 2038 Problem? The 2038 problem refers to the time encoding error that will occur in the year 2038 in 32-bit systems. This may cause havoc in machines and services that use the time to encode instructions and licenses. The effects will primarily be seen in devices that are not connected to the internet.


There is not a single person on the planet who could make me react like that.

After I wrote that I began to think of all the famous people I've been within touch distance or actually met and came up with this list even though I know there is more:

Three astronauts, Merle Haggard, Sonny Liston, Soupy Sails, two Presidents, the band Chicago, Bo Didley, almost all our governors, Kevin Bacon, 


This is how my wife feels about sports.

And yet that wonderful woman still gambles with me on games because she knows it makes the games more fun for me.


Celebrations in Kherson after Ukrainian troops re-entered the city that has been under Russian control for months.






Bird Dance

I found that delightful.


Dog Clinic

We need more people in this world like her.




The caption read:

Bowser the albino snapping turtle likes scratches

That didn't look like a snapping turtle to me. The ones I've seen look like dinosaurs with huge spikes and scales.







1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PuzzleTime: I feel there is a trick somewhere because it is "too simple", but I am going to answer "49".

1+1+2 = 4. 4 squared = 16
1+2+2 = 5. 5 squared = 25
2+1+3 = 6. 6 squared = 36
3+2+2 = 7. 7 squared = 49.

I would also like to point out that the top row of numbers are the beginning of the Fibonacci Series 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,....

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