About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


  One Of My Very Own







Mark your calendar

DEC 30




Businessmen are not "against" you, they are "for" themselves. Workers aren't "against" business, they are "for" themselves. But unions are the only way to level the playing field.




When in evolutionary development did this sleep requirement begin? I mean, do amoebas sleep? Do water bears sleep? At some point, the need for sleep happened and I wonder what triggered it.


My brother-in-law was a high-end drug abuse counselor and after finding out he got $250 an hour I asked him how badly he wanted his clients to get well. He cackled maniacally and said that they NEVER got well. When he considers them out of danger he tells them they are ready for Group Therapy which only costs $100 an hour. But get this, there are TWELVE people in a group session. So by them getting well he goes from making $250 an hour to making $1200 an hour.


Just ask my commenters. The last one called me a buffoon. That was rude. I blocked him. Please be nice.


But then he actually went to Vietnam and talked to the troops. 

When he got back he demanded that we end that war.


Teacher Protection

In no other country on Earth is that necessary, and yet we do nothing.

Now watch this...

Tornados kill fewer people than school shootings but we have storm cellars, sirens, weather warnings, etc. What have we done lately to ensure our children aren't murdered in their classrooms?



Just remember, Kevin McCallister could have phoned the police at any time and been saved from two grown men trying to kill him.


*For my much loved #1 Advisor.


My wife is not a squirter but she told me she was so I would work harder.



Do it yourself vasectomy?


Strongly tribal people all seem to have a need to wear the same costume. And it's not just religion.

He's a member of the Idon'tworkwithmyhands Tribe. 

Every detail of his costume is identical to other members of his tribe: pants cuff, tie, tie knot, lapels, fake buttons on his sleeve, etc. 

All. Identical.


Do people like that just forget that they have shit on their roofs when they enter a parking garage?

I've driven U-Haul trucks and a Winnebago and I NEVER forgot how high they were.




I would bet humans have feared/hated snakes since we began walking upright.


More anasaphilia...


What could these people all be doing?


Joints do that also and they won't throw up halfway through.



"No, I don't want to show any of my nipples because men might stare."


One afternoon I answered a loud rapping at my front door. It was two cops telling me they were evacuating the whole neighborhood. I stepped out, locked the door, and walked right past them toward my truck. One of them asked if I wanted to know why they were evacuating and I said I will find out when I get as far away from this area as possible.


I've taught hundreds of kids just like him and loved every single one of them.


This guy...

Became this guy...


Two questions: Is she wearing shoes or is that just those footholds? And why is the rope going up?


That guy wouldn't allow his dentist to eat while working on his teeth or his wife to eat during sex but he thinks it's okay for him while driving a huge lethal vehicle.


Somebody famous said that. Mae West?


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Speaking of...

Khoisan people of southern Africa, and their unique click-based languages

I would sure like to watch one of their spelling bees.



They are planning a movie about a ravaging bear on cocaine. I'd watch it, but I'd also watch a possum who ate a loaded gummy and just sits there.


Ladies, mansplaining is short for "Man Explaining".




Wouldn't you think they would stake it out first?


Then they invented these that do the same thing.

As stated previously, I would go completely insane if I had to sit there day in and day out...for 30 FUCKING YEARS!!


I'm guessing that is the terminal for a cable car or some such. Anyone?


I wonder if there is a benefit to making them triangular.

And how about this?

Well, that's a circuit board.


There were a lot of things like that at the World Cup. But for me, the worst would be sitting near the horns and drums.

There will always be pricks that ruin it for the rest of us.

Note the line of cars waiting for that Yahoo.


Lots more information here:


Food To Die For

"You can have my snickerdoodle recipe over my dead body." 

- Ethel probably


New York storm

I knew not to try to fly with a major snowstorm barreling down on me. Why did all those thousands of people think they could fly home for Christmas without mishap?



Imagine being the wife of one of those men who talk about how having a daughter finally made him realize women are people.


I want transition lenses that keep getting darker the longer someone talks to me.



How did they do that?



I forgive people for small errors in writing. We are all busy and typos are to be expected. But permanent signs are different. 

Get. A. Proofreader!



This has nothing to do with that sign, but there is no need for little letters to be different from capital letters.

Why not make all letters the same and enlarge them for capitals as we do with Cs, Xs, etc? At least scrap this monstrosity - g.

RALPH HENRY seems elegantly readable.


After Putin's war is over and all is revealed, I bet the Ukrainian improvisations will be breathtaking.



I thought it was a bomb at first, but those are race cars. Of course, it could be merely photoshopped.


*Verification Requested


Speaking of...


There is still time to add a banana cleaner to my gift list.


How much toilet water sprays into the air when you flush?

That shit is on your toothbrush - pun intended.







Do any of you movie buffs recognize this guy?


Anonymous said...

No it's a viewing platform. Click ont the More Specs button.

Wrekreation said...

d-8. They seem to be bringing the Christmas tree into the showroom/museum.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like a racecar museum, maybe Formula 1?, and they are bringing in a Christmas Tree.

B. Baggins

GunGuy said...

Years ago I hung out in a biker bar. I didn't have a bike I just liked the bar.
The bartender was a women and she had a demeanor that said "Don't screw with me and we'll get along fine."
She and I got into long conversations on the quiet nights. One night she told me she didn't like bananas. I told her I don't know any one that doesn't like bananas. How come you don't like bananas?
She told me "There were no bananas where I grew up and I didn't know how to eat one. She had eaten it peel and all.
Where did you grow up?
Behind the wall?
What wall?
The Berlin Wall.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I meant B13.

Anonymous said...

B16: And why is the dog yawning in boredom?

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