About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 27, 2023

FRIDAY #5147

 One Of My Very Own

What must I have been thinking?

Let's try it again...







Maybe - just maybe - Robin Hood robbed the rich because they were the only motherfuckers with any money.


When the pyramids were built, there were still woolly mammoths but they were no help.



Interesting concept.


Read this part again...

And that's a fact, Jack.


A very wise man once told me that most people make dates with people far in the future and they aren't even sure they will show up. That was in reference to decisions we make about our futures when we don't even know who is going to be there. That man pictured above made a bet with himself that he would be in the same mindset in 10, 20, or thirty years. He will most likely lose that bet.







That reminds me of the guy who had a gotcha moment when he "proved" masked didn't work because "Nobody in India wears a mask and they have almost nobody dying of covid."

This is what a quick Google search produced from a reliable source:

More than 4.7 million people in India - nearly 10 times higher than official records suggest - are thought to have died because of Covid-19, according to a new World Health Organization (WHO) report. India's government has rejected the figure, saying the methodology is flawed. Will we ever know how many Indians died in the pandemic?


*Sorry for the downer but it really needed saying.

And, by the way, EVERY drug has side effects. Haven't we learned that from the endless lists of them in every TV drug ad? And covid vaccines are no different.

NOTICE: Don't bother to send me any more anti-science bullshit because I'm done with it and I'm done with you.


I have known dozens of people who had firearms go off while cleaning them. I never have. The secret is trigger finger discipline - never touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot.



That is so very true.

I recently bought two sets of 4 casters for my boxes and they came with adequate bolts and nuts. I will never buy another brand. That simple gesture made me a lifelong customer.


*Verification Requested


Coming in second just means you were the first one to lose.



Think of the absolute absurdity of that. 

Always remember about the world's religions - They can't possibly all be right but they can most certainly all be wrong.


I find it odd that as a lifetime beer drinker, I miss the wine with meals more.



I once worked for two years on a children's book about a dolphin and it had lots of pictures that I tried to insert into the text. It was an absolute nightmare.




The Roman and Ottoman Empires spanned the entire gap from Jesus to Babe Ruth.


I’ll be the one at the office Christmas party, waiting patiently near the exit, so I can be the second person to leave.



More anasaphilia...


*Just another reason to love those little bastards!


The smile of a woman who knows exactly what she is doing. Half-naked women who look angry do nothing for me.


A zorse is the offspring of a zebra stallion and a horse mare.

*I did not know that.


This is the way they clear the road for emergency vehicles in Europe.

But in America, they just use the outside emergency lane. I don't get why leaving the center open is necessary.


🎶Trees, trees, everywhere are trees...🎶

Imagine being fortunate enough to look at that every day of your life.

^^B 5-7^^

It will shake without toppling.


I watched in awe...


Speaking of...

So, did they build the boat to clear the bridge, or did they build the bridge to clear the boats?


This looks like a lot of fun.


Snow Art

That voice. I can't imagine being about to open my mouth and such extraordinary beauty pour out any time I so desire.


The Young Man and the Tennis Racket

I read of a young man who lifted a newborn calf up and over a fence. And he continued doing that every day getting stronger with every lift until eventually, he could lift the full-grown cow. True or not, I wonder if that young man in the video did that as a child and just kept doing it as he grew.


The Weaker Sex



King’s men: well don’t just stand there, help us put this egg back together again

King’s horses:


First day as a 911 operator:

“Whoa, whoa, stop yelling. You called ME, remember?”



Each of us experiences normal luck just about every day.


Then there is the luck that occurs when we put ourselves in self-imposed peril.


Example #2:


Example #3:


He was lucky that he had one of those saws that instantly shuts itself off when making contact with flesh.

But why is he being filmed? Maybe a tutorial.



The guy in the white car should go buy a lottery ticket.


"Don't park your bike in the road."
- Elephant probably

"Why is everyone running?"

- spectator probably


You and I are lucky because criminals are so very stupid.

Example #1:


Example #2:

 They Set Themselves on Fire Trying to Burn Down an Immigration Center. And they dropped their phones so it shouldn't be too hard to track them down 












Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
June only has 30 days.

jack said...

June has 30 days

Larry said...

A8 the fukking secret is cleaning an unloaded gun .......

Anonymous said...

Puzzle - there are 30 days in June, calendar says June 31.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time

31st June?

Anonymous said...

A8: “The secret is trigger finger discipline - never touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot.”
That may be secret #2 but secret #1 is don’t try to clean a loaded gun.

Anonymous said...

B14ish: you wrote:
I read of a young man who lifted a newborn calf up and over a fence. And he continued doing that every day getting stronger with every lift until eventually, he could lift the full-grown cow. True or not, I wonder if that young man in the video did that as a child and just kept doing it as he grew.

You are thinking about the mythical story of Milo. A Greek wrestler who gained his strength doing exactly what you describe.

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