About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 17, 2023

MONDAY #5227

 One Of My Very Own










Discretion is the better part of valor.


More anasaphilia...


Is there a reason they move in sync?



My daughter would have seen through that ruse instantly and be furious at me for letting her win.



You think that is weird but you are cool with eating a dead guy's flesh and drinking his blood. I get it now.

And telling the same guy who wants your money all your sins is thought to be prudent.


He does this very well...


I think we have a winner!


Little Britain Skit


One guy's opinion...



Biologists are just a bunch of cells that talk about other cells.


"I don't trust Muslims, they have some funny beliefs and customs," he said while dragging a pine tree into his living room for some reason.



I think that's a hanging ping-pong table.


Good thing that wasn't me because I don't wear underwear.




These things are the new Lawn Darts...



The Duper and the Dupee


If she closes her eyes it would feel like she is in a real pool.

I know that because we had an 18" deep pool that we would float around and even nap in.


I Googled an image of that pool. It's 18" deep but the picture is grossly distorted.


Wait for it...


Beaver Removal in Ukraine


Delivery Perils

The first time I watched that I thought it was the creature screaming.



Many people smile because it's easier than explaining why they are sad.




Welcome to adulthood. You have to trim your nose hairs with wire cutters and toenails require bolt cutters.






If I won the lottery...



Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse illustrated...




Why the hell not? What's the thrill of having one that looks just like everyone else's? I crave unique visual experiences. Like this one...


Remember this?

Here's one in the wild.

Hell, I would have glued the bait seeds to the platform.


Crane Operator

Did you notice that he/she is in their sock feet?



My weed guy asked me how I was hanging and I laughed so hard I dropped my bong.




I did that but then I realized that it is just so very normal so I decided to...just...stop. And it worked.


The best scene in Star Wars is when Luke asks Yoda about Darth Vader being his dad and Yoda is like "I'm not about to unpack all that" and just dies.



"A Bike Pump Permanently Installed Next To The Bike Lock-Up Area"


"This Pole Matching The Traffic Light"


"Luminous Road Markings In Nantes, France"


"This Traffic Light Shows How Long You Have To Wait"

"Traffic Light With A Mirror To Allow The Drivers To See The Pedestrians/Cyclists That Are In Their Blind Spots"


"Luminous Bollards At A Pedestrian Crossing In France"


"Montpellier, France. Test Of A Bicycle Path With Photoluminescent Paint"


"This Traffic Light On The Sidewalk For Pedestrians On Their Phones"


"The Tactile Paving Changes Colours Depending On The Traffic Lights"


"Luminous Road Barrier"


"Height Sensor At A Tunnel. If A Vehicle Is Too High, Luminous Warning Signs Will Turn On"

"Special Light For Pedestrian Crossing, Belgium"


"Yellow Covers To Increase The Visibility Of Bollards During An Event"

*Why wouldn't they just paint them?


"Multiple Heights Road Barrier"

*I can't figure out how that could ever be needed.


"Singapore Traffic Light Allows Seniors/Disabled To Tap Cards To Add Time To Cross"


"A Stand For Bikers To Hold On To While Waiting For The Traffic Lights In Sweden"


"A Button For Crossing The Road On A Horse"


"This U-Turn Only Traffic Light"




A little dance all men have done numerous times.









B1; "I don't trust muslims"...a mmemorable day. Ralph has written something I agree with...

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, B1? Please explain.

Anonymous said...

B8: I don't think the image is distorted. The dimensions are 18 ft diameter by 48" deep.

It looks deeper than 18 in because it is.

Ralph Henry said...

Dearest B8 Anon, Oops.

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