About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 26, 2023

FRIDAY #5266

One Of My Very Own








That's called Selective Amnesia and both parties suffer from it.


I get uneasy at zoos. I would actively boo a place like that.



ALL of this cultural outrage is bullshit to distract you while the powerful steal even more money to buy even more politicians and Supreme Court justices.


I'm guilty of watching apocalypse movies but I try to get clever ideas for surviving.


Speaking of...

My #1 Advisor believes that we will know when it's all over when we are all trying to grow food in our backyards.


One of my biggest strengths is realizing that I'm just an average guy and just like every other average guy I have done embarrassing things. So, I shrug and put it behind me and move on.

As for the future, I'll be dead soon anyway.



I watched (but DO NOT recommend) White Zombie, 1935.

And in the end there he was.

When I was but a boy he used to do artwork in countless movies and I always waited for his name to appear in the credits. Besides my father, I didn't know a single person named Ralph, so finding one in the credits was somewhat of a thrill. He put the thought in my head of earning a living making art. So, thanks Ralph Berger, you changed my life.


They are just old-fashioned bigots by another name. I thought they went extinct in the 70s but I was sorely mistaken.

And so he did...


We last an amazing woman.


Dear Commenters, Can we agree that the mutilation of children is wrong but at the same time agree that this is wrong?

I know trans people and I assure you they exist.


"I'm just going to wait and get gas tomorrow" is one of the worst decisions we repeatedly make as an adult.


When you reach my age, you have a pasta shape you vehemently despise for no apparent reason.







So very many questions.



Funny? No.

Interesting? Yes.


My British friend fixed this for me.

I had her saying, "No. No, you're not."

His is MUCH better. Thank you, my friend.






If we removed all laws, the crime rate would be 0%.


I'm glad I exist in a place and scale where the main form of getting dead it's just something or somebody trying to make my blood fall out.




Remember this?

I can imagine designing it for two people. Then redesigning it for three, etc.


Why would they do that?


‘Sand Snakes’ in Iceland

Sand Snakes’ are a rare weather phenomenon in which collective volcanic black sand particles appear like moving ropes or snakes, prompted by fast wind movement.


How to tire out your dog

I wonder how long he will do that before giving up. And after giving up would he ever fall for it again?


"Let's just parachute our motors back down to Earth to use again," said one of the smartest people on the planet.


That's Germany. Americans want their beer MUCH colder than that.


One of my shortcuts through Georgia was through a HUGE Georgia Pacific tree farm. There were ponds like that beside the road every mile or so and I was told they were used to refill the fire trucks in case of a fire.


*Verification Requested


Sculpture by Julian Voss-Andreae 

Known for often blending figurative sculpture with scientific insights into the nature of reality.


What time is it?

Coin Thingy

The Frog That Got Away


Someday we may terraform Mars, allowing humans to be miserable on multiple planets.


Sometimes I see a meme and think what a psycho. Then I post it.




Fuck the buckets. I would have spent all my time gathering up anything and everything of value to get it out of that room.


Firework Cannon


I bet he has practiced that for hours.


I would sue the holy shit out of him, the police department, the maker of his car, the guy that paved the road, and...the maker of the dashcam.



Acting Mishap


When You Look The Part

That reminded me of the time Jay Leno came out of the comedy clubs, walked down to where my party and I were waiting in line, and took us inside ahead of everyone to the table in the very front center. I was with a girl he fucked in high school.


No Access




Hurricane Drink

Well...not if they ask you to.

Here's the goose and gander part...


Drum Piano


Pizza Fails that I probably should have put in the Amusement section...wait for them all...


Ski Lift Don'ts









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Anonymous said...

Puzzletime : Pot brownies?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely horrible on the part of those transphobic Brits! We cannot tolerate this, action is required.

Anonymous said...

It just proves that everyone is for sale. Except for you and me of course.

I always thought the space shuttle was a mistake. Far too expensive and dangerous for the results. We should have had two styles of rockets. Big dumb ones that were unmanned and used to shove heavy stuff into space. Really really smart ones that carried people into space to dock with the dumb ones. The smart ones could have better safety designs since they were saving weight by not carrying a payload.

billr said...

^^D6^^ Orcas Are Ramming Into Ships Off Europe’s Coast

Anonymous said...

Another victory for the trans community, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11918455/Male-powerlifter-protests-Canadas-self-ID-rules-entering-female-contest-smashing-record.html

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Everyone,
I do not think letting a trans woman compete in women's sports is fair.

Burgervan said...

PUZZLE TIME: Crocks of shit. Hahaha

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Burgervan,
That was better than the one I had!
Bravo, sir.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

That makes you transphobic in the eyes of the progressives. Just yesterday I was called a knuckle dragging transphobic bigot for saying the same thing. Carry on...

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