About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 25, 2023


 One Of My Very Own








I've designed a box to use up some more of my scraps. 

Instead of building the box and then adding stuff, I'm completing all the sides prior to turning them into a box.


And is my habit, I had Gamecock Baseball on my computer and NASCAR on the TV as I worked.


At age 65 my father started walking seriously. He's 95 now and nobody knows where the hell he is.


The car's weakest part is the nut holding the steering wheel.



How do you know how to please a woman? Ask her what she would like for you to do. One woman was too embarrassed to tell me so I asked her to write it down and I would read it outside of her presence. I worked.


The problem, of course, is that every single person thinks that is about other people. I think it's just human nature.


While discussing interracial marriage, gay rights, etc, people say things like this: "Yeah, you say that but what if it was one of your daughters?" I assure you I would support my child no matter what life choices she made.

But just like abortion, I have my limits. I have never advocated late-term abortions unless there are extraordinary circumstances. I am also very uncomfortable with trans surgeries for minor children. But I am also against any type of cosmetic surgery for "normal" minors meaning those without deformities. I also shun the circumcision of boys just like I shun the genital mutilation of girls.


While sitting on the beach, my wife would alert me to exceptionally beautiful women coming into view.


I had a weekend job as a kitchen manager in a seafood restaurant. What most people don't know is that fried seafood can only sit under the heat lamp for about 8 minutes and then it has to be thrown away. I ate A LOT of seafood before it hit the trashcan.


What kind of person keeps coming up with rationales for why children being murdered in their classroom is unavoidable? Seriously, who are these people? How in the name of sanity can you tolerate such a thing?


I love language. I had to look that up.

"Tea" is a term used to refer to gossip or inside information. It is often used in the phrase "spill the tea" or "serve the tea," which means to share juicy or exclusive details about a situation or person.


"Create your own meaning" is, in fact, what we all do and have been doing since mankind began asking questions about existence. I say that your meaning of life is just as legitimate...AND WRONG...as everyone else's.


I finally found a survival movie where the actor's hands and fingernails were filthy just like they should have been after foraging. I forgot and took a screenshot forgetting that Prime doesn't allow that.


When I had a season pass to our local AAA baseball team, I got my daughters to watch for an unusual occurrence. When the announcer used the term 2, 2, and 2 it means there are two balls, two strikes, and two outs. We took it much further and after dozens of games, we witnessed two balls, two strikes, and two outs in the second inning with a man on second and player #2 at bat. My girls and I cheered and nobody knew why.


I put faces in every tree I painted in a mural and not to brag but mine were much better than those above.


I found out why you have to get the alligator to the boat before you shoot it.

1. because bullets ricochet off of the water.

2. Because the only way to kill an alligator, for the most part, is to put a bullet in its brain. Its brain is about the size of a walnut. You need to be very close to hit it.


I really appreciate the people who answer my questions. Thank you.


There is a theory afoot that Jesus was killed for advocating the reinstatement of the release.


When they can't yell out the N-word they just whisper "woke".


People say I'm a plagiarist - their words, not mine.



*Viewer Contribution



Had he not blown off the memorial for war heroes because he didn't want to get his hair wet...





In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and then the dragons arrived.




Have you ever been this angry at another human being?

Yeah, me too.

*Think about that when someone tells you that crucifixion was the cruelest death.


When shopping I always look for the most fuckable, ready-for-sin person in the grocery store. I don't do anything about it, I just take note of them. Today it was rather easy...


Remember, bird watching goes both ways.






FYI: You pee on the jellyfish sting, not the jelly stain. Again my apologies to that nice lady at Waffle House this morning.


The world might be full of despair and broken promises but it is also full of big colorful poisonous frogs.




Boat Poler


Damnit, Janet, close the door, you're letting a draft in.


Mime Advice

I always carried the baby. I love carrying babies...MY babies.











*I once painted a very fancy car on the front of a wing restaurant and it was driven by a chicken with a prosthetic arm. The animal rights people found it not the least bit humorous.






Larry said...

B9 look into the Spanish Inquisition for really twisted religious shit.....

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: A soon to be convicted felon under the new Republican drag queen laws.

Seriously, that's about where we're going.


A3-How about mmedical treatment of alleged "transgenders" from the age of 4 WITHOUT informing the parents? That's what these creeps do here in England.Thay are all mentally ill.

Anonymous said...


You jinxed them with your Japan post the other day.

Anonymous said...

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike,
This is what Google tells me:
In the UK "You can apply if you meet all of the following requirements: you're aged 18 or over. you've been diagnosed with gender dysphoria in the UK. you've been living in your affirmed gender for at least 2 years."
What say you?

Anonymous said...

In Canadian credit bureaus debts are only reported for 7 years, but still that's a long time for something to sit in the Bureau

Anonymous said...

The Tavistock clinic was prescribing puberty blockers to children

Hormones could be administered at 16

Both are medical treatments as Mike mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Thought of you when someone called someone cunts in the comments section the other day,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Ralph Henry said...

Dear Medical Explainer,
I'm sorry, I read "medical treatment" as something far more invasive than a doctor prescribing a drug for a specific malady.

Anonymous said...

Puberty blockers and hormone treatment are probably the same as taking a couple of aspirins in your eyes. Oh well, there we have it.


Dear Ralph; I wouldn't be happy with ANY treatment of my children, especially concerning sexual matters, and doubly concerning trans ballocks. They are all mentally ill, except for a teeny weeny minority, and I INCLUDE the medical "professionals".

Ralph Henry said...

Of course, you do, Mike. We would expect nothing less from you.

NinjaGrrrl7734 said...

Kindly piss off with your propoganda and crap sources. You are desperately misinformed, and looking for a fight. I'll guess you are frequently wrong but never in doubt.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ninj,
You talkin' to me?

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