About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 27, 2023


 One Of My Very Own


Dezeen introduces us to the Fog-X, a recent invention of Swedish engineer Pavels Hedström.

Think of this invention as an early still-suit design focused on the needs of people in cold, arid environments. The jacket breaks down into an emergency tent and a vapor collection panel that extracts drinking water from fog. It pairs with an app designed to help users locate foggy areas while in the wilderness--assuming that you can get a signal. He successfully tested Fog-X in the Atacama Desert of Chile, which is one of the driest places in the world.





"If evolution is true?"

Sadly, they teach that nonsense every Sunday.


I was once told that your mind keeps thinking about the last thing you were thing about when you go to sleep. I tend to believe it. I know that when I was writing I often awakened with solutions to plot problems and now I solve design snags with my boxes.


The last place I'd expect to find a hair in my food is a Brazilian steakhouse.


Do you think coming out as gay is hard? Try telling people you like canned hot tamales and see how much acceptance you get.



I liked that movie.




This is on a brothel wall in Pompeii. No word on her specialty.


*Viewer Contribution

I'm the guy with "ALL BURNED UP" on the ashes box I made.


*That reminds me of the genie screwing up the wishes.









What happened to those people with gauged ears? Seriously, where did they go?


To clarify: Teachers are not "off for the summer", they are "in recovery".



Hiroshima? Hurricane? Earthquake?

What the Russians did to one town.








I really like balconies.


I don't see any safety ropes.


If all the bathrooms in your house are occupied and you are needing one, just switch off the Wi-Fi.


I think Ellen the generous has a low self of steam.




Maybe - just maybe - this is just the beginning.


The goalie was playing where she was sure to be totally useless.


The setting for one of my books was North Dakota and in my research, I learned that they have imported llamas for pack animals. I also learned that you never turn your back on one.


Not me. When I parked to pick up my kids after school, if I had more than 5 minutes I would take a nap. When they opened the door I simply opened my eyes and greeted them.


Looks like The Road Runner.


And he was recorded bragging about it.


Do you think his apron on the handle caused it?


To live and work in such a densely populated area there has to be some strictly adhered to social norms or they would soon start killing one another.



I talked to an Army helicopter pilot after Gulf War II and he told me that he had killed 40 combatants with one missile. They had been crossing a river on a large barge and he got them all.


Video of Russian soldier surrendering to drone in Ukraine


Car attempts a U-turn on an impossibly narrow road.


Why he didn't just back down was never explained.


I would take a pretty stupid robot to replace me.



I used to sneak out of my house to go to parties, but now I do the opposite.



A site asked what its reader's favorite death scene was and here are the top contenders:








Con Air where Cyrus ‘The Virus’ Grissom, played by John Malkovich, gets thrown from a firetruck, through a window and then through some power lines, falling on a conveyor belt that leads to this hydraulic rock crushing hammer of some sort, where he unfortunately happens to land directly under getting his face smashed.


But here is my favorite...









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Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Mike Bison (Tyson)

Anonymous said...

Did you read the article, he's not implicated in the sexual abuse stuff, they're seeking information about a bank.

Anonymous said...

Look carefully, the handle broke. You can see it just before he puts the pan down at the end.

Anonymous said...

They're not Americans.

Burgervan said...


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