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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 22, 2023

MONDAY #5262

One Of My Very Own








Do you think they were referring to American "Indians"?


I think if everybody just got stoned every once in a while we would all be better off for it.



This reminds me of watching people say that there is nothing we can do about the slaughter of our children in their classrooms.

When my grandson asks me what I did to save those children I will tell him that I voted for people who would at least try to stop the slaughter and I reminded as many people as I could that we must find a way to stop it?


But advocating violence toward innocent others voids all social contracts.


*Verification Requested


There were high school students gathered in the auditorium to experience the Challenger lift-off and when it exploded some of those students laughed. I can understand that. It wasn't that they thought it funny, it was just so very absurd that laughing was just their way of dealing with it.

Or they may have been stoned out of their minds.



When you realize that "faded af" backward is "faded af".


The way people overreact to how good Chick-fil-A is makes me wonder if their sexual needs are being met.














The perfect segue to the next section.


Professional ballet dancers can go through 4 pairs of pointe shoes in a week.


The Irish last name prefix “Mac” means “son of” and the prefix “O” means “grandson of”.



These examples of misfortune fall into one of four categories:

Bad Luck


Lack of Situational Awareness




And unfortunately...Fakery.


Your task is to identify the causes of these incidents.









When I used to practice knife throwing A LOT, I became keenly aware that the knife was quite capable of rebounding right back toward my head.



That happens often.




Why wouldn't they cut it at the very top so it could be easily reattached?


Every second I assumed that my kid was going to do something like that and was prepared for it.







I said "my compliments to the chef" to my server and she said, "We don't have a shelf. That's Tyler back there. He's 19, stoned out of his mind, and he's only been operating the microwave for three weeks. But I'll tell him.


In Japanese they don't say "moon" they say "tsuki" which literally translates to "moon" and I think that's how language works.



Baby Cthulhu



I never picture Australia in the snow.


TRUE STORY: My brother knew a guy who was a crew member on a large Air Force plane. One day he got a buddy to cover his flight because he had to take his daughter to the doctor. When he got to the doctor he realized he had left her medical records on his kitchen table so he asked the doctor to get started on the exam while he drove home to get the records. On his way home the airplane that he was supposed to fly on that day crashed killing all aboard. And it crashed right on top of his truck.


Two words: Term Limits




I read that when they were filming that scene, the car's fiberglass body they used broke completely in half when it hit the ground so they had to do some clever film editing.


My wife puts out dryer lint for the same reason.





That does look like fun.

I seem to remember that the suit will take you down at a 45° angle. That looks a lot less than that.












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Anonymous said...

The government may have bought the medicines, but they were paid for by the taxpayer. TAANSTAFL

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A3 Anon, So is the fire department, so what's your point?

Anonymous said...

Your wife should probably not leave dryer lint out for the the birds. Natural fibers such as grass, leaves and sticks shed moisture and dry out quickly after a rain. Lint will absorb moisture which will chill the baby birds and most likely cause them to die.

Anonymous said...

That’s an Ophiuroid or Brittle Star a cousin of starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and crinoids.
They can get quite large - a foot to 18 inches across.
That particular one looks like a species that occurs off Florida which feeds by sticking its arms in the mud to absorb stuff. (Not all at once!)
A Science Guy

Anonymous said...

I don't think your vote is gonna change much and that goes for most things.

Anonymous said...


Here in Ireland, the owner of the property that the fire brigade attends to, is billed a fee which their insurance should cover. The council makes up the rest from property taxes.

But you cannot compare the small (and rather constant) cost of the firebrigade to health which has an almost unlimited demand. When the state pays, then rationing happens. Only certain medicines are covered.

Anonymous said...

People don't care as they think they are doing a good thing which happens often with human animal interactions.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Irishman, Be honest - would you rather have no universal healthcare like in America?
Also, the Americans lucky enough to have insurance coverage as a job perk are also rationed care. Many times the doctor prescribes something that the insurance company simply refuses to cover.
Last question: How many Irishmen face medical bankruptcy because their child gets cancer?

Anonymous said...

Nope. The best solution appears to be mandatory private health insurance with the state using taxpayers money to pay for those who cannot afford it.

But if you want to see a doctor, it's immediate. Currenlty 3 weeks waiting list to see my GP. Was referred to a cardiologist a while back. The public waiting list was 8 months. Because I have private insurance, I was able to shorten that to 3 months.

There is always some way of rationing service. Either by cost or by time.

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