About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

SUNDAY #5261

 One Of My Very Own









Internet Reactions to a Recent Event



Coming in second in a two-person race.


Never waste your time arguing with someone John Brown would have simply shot.




All pleasures are guilty pleasures if you have high enough anxiety.


I have been trying to think of how I would spend $1 billion if I won the lottery. 

So far I've got: Nicer table saw.



My friend was in Forrest Gump and spend days on that bus stop bench with Tom Hanks. During breaks, all Tom wanted to talk about was my friend's stained glass art.


I've always wanted to name a street Bridge Ices Before Rd.


My first semester back in college after the military I had a Monday morning class with another ex-GI who served on an aircraft carrier. Every Monday he would tell me about the drugs he had taken the prior weekend. Then he gushed about how great the heroine was. That was the last time I saw him.

He, like every other heroine addict, said he was strong enough to handle it.


A very charismatic young man once told me that he had stayed drunk all weekend and it was wonderful. I asked him what he did and he said, "I don't remember." I asked how he knew he had a great time and he said that he "just knew".


My brother was a professional bass fisherman and he had several theories. One had to do with the old, really big fish having been caught and released countless times and were very leary of all the usual lures they had seen dozens of times.


At my wedding, a very silly man locked a huge ball and chain on my leg. I found out who had the key and talked her into giving it to me. Then this silly man bought another huge lock and bragged to me that he had thrown both keys out the window of his car. And as his friends held me, I told them that I gave up and at the exact moment the lock was to be secured to the chain I reached down and close the lock before it could be connected to anything.

Anyway, I sort of felt like that kid in the video who landed on his feet.


I joined the military in 1965. That was the same number of years after WWII as now is to 2003.


Before a middle school standardized test, our teacher told us that they didn't count wrong answers but only right answers so it is okay to guess. She also said that the harder questions were at the end and they counted for more than the earlier questions. So, when she announced that there were only 5 minutes left I turned to the last pages and simply filled in as many bubbles as possible knowing I would get about 25% correct.


I went to a Home Depot going-out-of-business sale. I offered them $100 for their rolling stairs and bought 3. I had to dismantle them to get them home and then found out that they were not made of standardized pieces. Each piece is custom-made for that one set of stairs. It took hours and hours to match all the parts. I sold them to my artist friends.


I corrected an American history professor in a college course about my generation. He stated that during the 60s and 70s young people did this and that for social justice and I let him know that if wasn't for the military draft at the time young people wouldn't have given a shit.


I used to gamble a lot. But I never bet more money than I could afford to lose. But I bet smart. My golden rule is "The Due Factor". That's why I bet against the New England Patriots winning the Super Bowl for a perfect season - they were due to lose.


Handwritten assignments and in-person tests may become the norm again because of AI.


All Voldemort needed to do to track Harry down was address a letter to him, give it to an owl, and follow the owl on a broomstick.



Lip injections

How do you convince a woman that that would make her more attractive?


He looks like he is enjoying it as much as the kids.


She has decided to shun subtlety.


Not to brag but when my wife and I showed up at orgies we got a standing ovation.






Baggie Fishing


Beard Option

My beard doesn't seem to be able to get any longer.


The older I get the more I find myself hesitating to throw out a Ziploc bag because it isn't that dirty.


I'm pretty sure I seized the wrong day.



It was stated that somehow this makes sense. Anybody?



Those bastards!


I liked that movie.



I don't get it.


Gongylus gongylodes or wandering violin mantis




This is finally explained...



Big Tusker empties a bucket of water in about 4 seconds

Approximately 25 "Big Tuskers" individuals are left in the world, most of which reside in the Tsavo Conservation Area. They have to protect them. They are under constant threat from poachers.


Snake Eating Self











According to internet El Beddouza in Morocco is 3,154 miles from Maine, and is the closest to Africa.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: Maine

Anonymous said...

What political party was the Confederate States?
In the several decades that followed the Civil War, the Democratic Party—long associated with the states of the former Confederacy—struggled to restore its standing as a national political organization.

Here's a freebie to remind you what I've seen on your blog

Ronald Reagan-
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Political Guru, Who gives a flying fuck what the Democratic Party did 150 years ago? I want to know what they did yesterday and what they will do tomorrow.
And Reagan's government certainly was there to help the rich with his massive Trickle Down bullshit tax cuts.
So, as is my habit, I offer a question that I implore you to answer so we all can get a better idea of your political stance: Do you think Trump's victory was stolen?

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