About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 One Of My Very Own


Nothing pisses off a Southern boy like having to put back on his long pants and a light jacket because of a late May cold snap.








I don't hate God and I don't have a fear of him any more than she hates or fears unicorns or fairies. 

And I have never heard anything about Darwin being disproved.



Florida Man finds out wife is pregnant - she claims the father is God.

Florida Man summons bears to maul children who taunted him for being bald.

Florida Man's two daughters get him drunk during an outing and have sex with him until they both get pregnant.


When someone tells me a joke I've already heard, I laugh anyway. Cause why not?


Could a vampire policeman enter my house if they had a warrant?




He painted a whole series of paintings of banks on fire.














My friend Dave build the exact same thing for a huge Halloween party that was held in an empty warehouse. But his had a hole in the seat covered by only fabric and when someone sat down he would goose them.

I found out he had a hole in the seat of the chair when I was standing behind the chair when my friend goosed a young woman and just like the second gorilla in the clip above, she jumped up, fangs exposed, and accused me of doing it.


PS: I was thrilled to run across that clip of the gorillas days after I made this post and knew I must include it here.


You never realize exactly how weird you are until you have a kid who acts just like you.


I offered to return another Dad's cart at Home Depot and asked if he left any gas in it. He said half a tank and that it was warmed up for me. That's all we said, just to Dad's out here killing it.




Or "The election was stolen".



I bet his grandchildren just learned some new spicy words.




That looks like someone who pressed the accelerator instead of the brake.


That little pain dance.




Yeah, I saw that movie also.


Could someone explain to me why there is a moat around the field?



But I guess it would depend entirely on whose foot it was.



Sex is great and all but have you ever had the meat of a crab leg come out in one whole piece?


Purses are just junk drawers with handles.




Those arms are amazing.

It can inchworm its way to different locations on the station when needed.







We are all going to see much more things like that in the future.









_ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _

Here's a hint with another pun:

_ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

A5 he had a critic. Jean Baptiste Lamarck. The difference between "Darwinian" and "Lamarckian" mechanisms of evolution is that the former emphasizes random, undirected variation whereas the latter is based on variation directly caused by an environmental cue and resulting in a specific response to that cue. Still debated today. It's a fair argument and fun to debate. Darwin obviously favored. Not by me. --Armando

Anonymous said...


Depends on which election
2000 (hanging chads) good
2016 (Russian collusion) good
2020 (postal voting irregularities) bad


Word quiz=PURPLE HAZE.

Burgervan said...

puzzle tiME: Mauve Straw. Hahaha

Inchworm said...

Purple Hays

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