About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


One Of My Very Own



She knows NOTHING about young boys.


But seriously, I find it disconcerting to have Erin Burnett explain the latest mass shooting while having her tits hanging out.

I've never understood Americans' fashion dictates. Women on TV show half of their breasts yet men must cover every part of their body but their hands and face.


 My wife spent five minutes online and learned how to fix our ice maker. It is, indeed, a great time to be alive. I, on the other hand, have learned hundreds of ways to seduce my stepsister if I had one.


I once wrote that there was something amiss when corporations report record profits while at the same time blaming their price increases on inflation. A commenter said that I knew NOTHING about economics, which is probably true, but this article explains it much better than I ever could.


It's as if they are trying to out lie one another and the MAGA base eats it up.


Surely a large portion of the people who pay to track down their ancestors finds out that they come from a pack of no-good, thieving alcoholics.


We are being purposely distracted with petty non-issues. 


Bankers - the new robber barons.


If you enjoy this blog and want to help me out, could you tell the District Attorney that I was with you all night on July 14, 2021?


Rush hour traffic is the best place to meet your daily rage quota.



*Viewer Contribution

Anywhere that makes keys have a small box full of discarded keys. That's how I got all those I used as washers on my Key Packets. 


Concerned parties tried to come up with a way to inform future (far future) human beings that deadly nuclear waste was buried in a location and any digging could prove fatal. The design I liked was to bury directly above the waste a stainless steel structure that looked like a thorn bush with thousands of needle-sharp spikes.


I would have thought that after 400 years it would be completely grown over...if it were indeed abandoned.


Can we assume a simple graft?


I would like to remind you that a futurist predicted that the #1 indicator of the health of a city was the number of potholes.


Creatures Great and Small

Dog Rescue Dog

ER, nurses see that kind of behavior from patients every night.


A floating "Blue Button" is a colony of organisms with a single mouth.


Good lord greyhounds are fast!


The hiker hides behind a tree from a moose.

Did you notice how the rear foot steps precise where the front foot stepped like we have seen cats do?


Let's close this section with some damn good ideas.

Child and Dog

That child is learning lessons of life that can't be taught any other way.


That looks fun but aren't they all painted and wouldn't the paint get on the meat?




 I could imagine many passengers getting out of the vehicle on the street side and that mirror could let them know if it is safe.


"With all due respect" is a wonderful expression because it doesn't actually specify how much, if any, respect is actually due.


They call it Amtrak because the train am on the track...most of the time.



Many people spend a lot of time waiting for drama or simply luck out and happen to be at the right place at the right time.




^^C 1-4^^

But it is possible to capture the true beauty in mundane objects. It's all about the light.



^^C 5-7^^

What if the toys in Toy Story went to a Catholic person's house and all the figurines of crucified Jesus just started screaming out in endless pain whenever the person left the room?


When you are a kid you don't realize you are also watching your parents grow up.



Try to imagine what would happen if a stem broke.


It was the 70s, we smoked a lot of pot and we had a lot of sex... preferably at the same time.


People don't like being told what to do by a mere sign.



Then they proudly document their civil disobedience.


Dam Truck

Do you think that will work?


Dancing Lady


Games Men Play


Advice Guy

I bet he would make something like this...


This is what Ukrainians are fighting for.


Wouldn't it be great to be able to google search your mind and just type in stuff like "What was the name of that movie with the bald guy in it?" or "What was the name of that place with the really great eggrolls?"


Steampunk is what happens when Goth kids discover brown.



My wife begged me to put a glory hole in our bathroom but I told her it would lower the property value.



*Verification Requested


This speeding boat was persuaded to stop after pier pressure was applied...



There is a story behind every sign.




And that is how you break your collarbone.








Anonymous said...

B12: that's got to suck. Getting up at 3:00 every morning to do homework.

JNR said...

Last month I watched a you tube video that explained how to change the interior door handle on a 2012 Lincoln.
Last week I watched a video that explained how to build a water level so I could level my neighbors trailer.
The fact that there are people in the world that are good at what they do and are willing to share their knowledge by making videos tells me there is still hope in the world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you need to use an old one where all the paint is worn off. One can only wonder what toxins that paint is releasing.

Burgervan said...

B4: Apple seeds Rarely produce the same type and quality of fruit as the parent tree, so the only way to guarantee the same type of apples is to graft onto a 'Host', Tree. That's why You can't just buy 'Bramley' apple seeds or 'Pink lady', seeds for example.

Anonymous said...


Not sure he is claiming autism causes transness but estimates from the Tavistock shows 35% of referees had autism.

Anonymous said...

B9 imagine taking a stab at that with only a spear?

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