About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 31, 2023

MONDAY #5332

One Of My Very Own




How ancient 'skywells' are keeping Chinese homes cool




What is she doing?


For the first time, I read some bullshit criticism of meditation to alleviate stress. I say ANYTHING you can do that helps you be where you want to be is worthwhile.


Rather impressive.


I think that is a GREAT idea!!!

As a Key Packet guy, my mind is pondering the possibilities.


True or false?


What is that?


What is that?



I heard it explained that the temperature rise has slowed down the jet stream and without it, rain, heat waves, snow, etc will have nothing to push them around so they will just sit over one area.

But just wait until the Gulf Stream shuts down. That will be ugly.


"Oh, hell, we all knew the danger was real but we opposed every mitigation measure because the liberals proposed them."



Your local psychic probably isn't using clairvoyance to predict your future or speak to a departed loved one.


I'm probably in the minority but when I give money to a homeless person I actually don't care what they spend it on.


Hell, after seeing that guy keeping his truck from rolling over that might just work.



There's another honeymoon story in there someplace.


I do not dislike that photo but that blind shadow thing has been done to death.



I had that one time. I had to move my wallet to the other butt cheek.


Seems a tad fast.



Nice couch.


It's a good job...once.





How could that happen? And it's okay to just make something up.


Normal dog...

Abnormal dog...


Everything reminds me of her...


Back in my day "buttlicker" was a top-shelf schoolyard insult. Nowadays it is a selectable option on most dating sites.


They never specified which machine it is we're supposed to rage against but I think we can all agree that it's probably printers.



And that is why there is a taboo concerning walking under ladders.


And there just happened to be a camera set up to film it.


This man has crawled up a ladder to enhance his rope swing experience. How far do you think he will get?


About 8".



We all know what they look like and the damage they can do.

But we act like we don't...

At least that guy was a pro earning a living.

This guy does it for fun...


Why isn't the person filming it helping?





Demon Rum


The spectators remained remarkably calm.



Nice recovery.



If there is anyone out there with any experience with anything at all or knows anything about anything please do not hesitate to let us all know.


Going to bed early. 

Not leaving the house. 

Not going to the party. 

My childhood punishments have become my adult goals.


I'm assuming they are filming a movie.




The look on her face tells me she knows exactly how absurd she looks.



She could scrape the paint off a #2 pencil.


I wonder if he knows.


Speaking of...


When I see things like that I always wonder what she does for a living.


That look on her face makes me a believer.


Kilt Tutorial


Commenter: "You fucking retard I've read your blog every day for six years and hated every second of it because I am obsessed with how others do not conform to my own personal beliefs, therefore, I let you know how disappointed I am every day or two because it is my only hobby. Fuck you."










Anonymous said...

A8: I'm not sure I understand the question.
To me, it looks like a woman's legs with blue jeans, with her feet clasped together. She's wearing red shoes.

Anonymous said...

Cleaning a 'moving' sign like you do a conveyor belt.

Anonymous said...

Legs in jeans with soles of shoes pressed together. Focus on bottom centre of image and you'll see the shoes.

Anonymous said...

Liberace kitsch

Anonymous said...

A8 - It seems to be an advert for shoes, but it didn't resolve into that before quite a bit of visual confusion. The image actually shows the lower half of a woman with feet together and on her toes, knees out. - Robin.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
designed to float.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Muscovy duck to me.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle. Time: the airplane is designed to float.

But of course, the passengers open the doors anyway to save themselves from drowning.

The logic is that the airplane was also designed to fly. Therefore, why would anyone believe it would float knowing the designers failed at the primary function.

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