About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

SUNDAY #5324

 One Of My Very Own




A Syrian girl in 2014 thought the photojournalist was holding a weapon, so she "surrendered".

"Yeah, there's a strong dose of reality to bring you back. This world is straight fucked up, and innocent people get the short end of the stick every single day. If we do not band together as a whole we will never be able to stop it. Let this be your sobering reminder to become better than you were, better than you are because people out there need you."

Not most of the old people I know. Most are so terrified of financial insecurity that they refuse to do anything to help others in need if it costs them a penny in higher taxes.


Coming to a government near you.


One of the original "We've always done it that way".

I am so proud of my daughter for leaving my grandson unmutilated.


I asked about cashless societies and this is the only reply I received:

"CASHLESS; Here in England it's well advanced. Governments will be able to:

1-Track every move you make; the end of such personal liberty...

2-Forbid you from buying anything they want..." too much fat in that", "sorry you have used enough gas this month"...." We have noticed that your calorie intake is excessive this month so we are limiting your purchases at this time".Who to complain to? It's a machine-you can't complain, it's logical, and it's IN YOUR OWN INTEREST;

3-Tax at any level without conflict or opposition; is tax at 36%? Well, we will make it 43% and there's nothing you can do about it.

4-Inflation? We will restrict transactions and slow down their movement.

5-Travel? "Sorry, we don't want you to go there at this time, perhaps you could try again tomorrow".

Altogether it is the most monstrous assault on freedom possible to imagine, all carried out with no debate or consultation Fight for your freedom as it really is at stake here. An alien race with no feeling except for government efficiency might impose this, but not any government which cares about personal freedom."


Question: Were there indications that your government tried doing those dastardly deeds in the recent past and were thwarted because people had cash? 

Does anybody else get the feeling that paranoia is running amok? I mean, I get comment after comment about how incompetent the English government is in running the healthcare system, and now I'm asked to believe that they are clever enough to organize all those control measures? And for what purpose? 

In America, only about 1/3 of people use cash anymore anyway and the slide toward cashless is unlikely to slow. But to think the government would keep me from buying donuts because I'm overweight is just silly. Keeping me from buying a plane ticket if I am a fleeing felon is another matter.


I sat in front of my computer for a long time wondering if I wanted to tackle this next topic. I do not. I would rather have worms stuck in my eye.

But some very nice people took the time to share their thoughts and I feel I owe it to them to share mine.

I posted a chart that showed 1/3 of people with post-graduate degrees believed in ghosts and I made this comment:

*A third of people with graduate degrees believe in fucking ghosts?!?! What the fuck did they study?


Here was the first comment:

C12 - Education does not equal intelligence. It just means they've been programmed to think how they were trained

This is my comment:

Dear C12 Anon,

So, you are telling my viewers that a high school graduate is just as intelligent as a Ph.D. because the Ph.D. is limited in their thinking by what they were taught in school? So, in your opinion, how does one go about becoming intelligent. Please be specific.



Additional comments on the original comment:

My dad does not have anything more than a high school education but is one of the best problem-solvers I know. And he has done very well in his career.
I would argue that intelligence is innate...tests can be given to children to determine their problem-solving ability and capacity to rationalize a conclusion. Do children have PhDs? No.
I think you are mistaking "being educated" vs "intelligence".


Anonymous said...

C12: I am not the original commenter on C12, but I do have an opinion about this conversation.
Intelligence and education are mutually exclusive. I can have an uneducated 20-year-old who's more intelligent than a Ph.D. However, the 20-year-old will never be able to function at the level that a Ph.D. can due to the lack of knowledge; he has nothing to which to apply his intelligence.
With that said, the 20-year-old might surround himself with intelligent, educated people to support, promote, and execute his ideas. Nevertheless, he is still uneducated.



I wrote a dozen drafts of my reply and each one made me sound like an elitist and anything that I say on this matter will piss everyone off. Therefore I pass. 

Do with that information as you wish.




Not all Republicans are Nazis but all Nazis are Republicans.

I don't like picking one person and hinting that they represent the whole group but I've been hearing this sort of comment from many of Trump's cultists.

But thank goodness, more and more sound like this lady.

And remember, Trump could have pardoned every single one of his rioters of Jan. 6 but he threw them directly under the bus.


All I ask is that we be consistent. If you blame Biden for high gas prices then give him credit for lower gas prices. If you excuse Trump for hiding top-secret documents then excuse everyone else who is in prison for doing it. If all the phone calls Trump made to "find more votes" is permissible then every candidate should be able to do it. If you think it is unseemly for a Biden family member to take millions from a foreign government then it should be unseemly for a Trump family member to take billions. If you think a web designer should be forced to work for someone they find deplorable (gay people) then you should also be forced to work for someone you find deplorable (Nazis). If you think bailing out young people's student debt is wrong then bailing out corporations should also be wrong.

Without consistency then you are just a party hack.



If we get invaded by space aliens I am immediately defecting to the aliens' side. Sorry.


*We had the votes but now you young people have the votes so USE IT!


The good thing about this heat is that no one will be lurking in your backseat to kill you.



You don't have to play it straight all the time and most of these examples of that were created by normal people just like you.


As a guy who makes boxes that look like that you know I liked it.



The machines knitted it!








Concrete Edging





If you forget your safe word, calling out the wrong name usually works just as well.


Maturing is realizing you don't need fun to have alcohol.



Is it electric?



Somebody solved the problem of rapid fire overheating barrels.

And it works very well...

Here it is in action...

Several years ago there was a large squadron of those based in Alaska. I never did understand why.

And here's one of their badass pilots...

Her job is blowing holes in enemy armor.

And now the A10s are going into mothballs although footsoldiers love them.

I've watched a pasta maker just like that for hours. It moves much, much faster than that.


Knife-carved wooden bow tie


I'm going to blame over-watering so the roots don't have to grow deeply to find water.


Silly? Only sillier than these by a matter of degree...




It had one job. One.

Who would have guessed its paw pattern would look like that?


Crablike Creature


Feeding Ray


Robot Horse


Horse Itch


Watch very carefully...


I don't care how old you are, summer break should be for everyone. No work, just Popsicles and slip and slides.


If carp could speak they would all have French accents.





If I'm not mistaken the prongs on that plug will be live when it is unplugged. It could kill somebody.


*After reflection I guess it could be taking electricity the other way.





Remember this?

I wonder how many takes it took.


Naval Combat


Taking the Spray

That is one highly motivated young woman.


How did any of these people survive?

It looked to me like the trucker was trying to murder the kid on the bike.











Bubba Pordlaw said...

A1: I agree that us older folks are still young kids at heart. True - our fears are money related rather that boogey-man related, but I'll be damned if I won't bend over backwards to help a feller out.

Hell yeah we are afraid of the financial ruin that is waiting to wallop us aside the head as we turn the corner, but that don't mean we ain't willin to help our folk out.

I tell my kids all the time not to forget there is still a 14 year old inside that just wants to have fun!

Anonymous said...

Canada froze bank accounts of those protesting truckers and those that helped financially.

Anonymous said...

Those are data cables. Power outlet located top left in image.

Wrekreation said...

B-14 - Excellent!! C-12 is a Box Crab

Anonymous said...

D10 Trucker's Advocate here. The road was winding left then the kids went in between 2 very large trailers and then started winding too the right. There's very little chance that trucker seen him. -Armando

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Trucker's Advocate,
The truck on the right crossed the center line by a good three feet. Hardly exemplary driving on a crowded highway.

Anonymous said...

C6 : UK - My guess is when the lay-bys on the edge of the existing road were added, the roots of the trees were cut. It's possible to see the trees that have fallen are next to these new lay-bys! Just a guess though.

Anonymous said...

You start your blog off with an extremely sad picture of a child afraid of war, then you spend a good portion of it blasting the only president who never started a war and was extremely antiwar. You are hopelessly brainwashed.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Anti-War Anon,
Trump didn't get us out of a war either. That was Biden that did that.

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