Whenever I encounter a crying child I ask, "What can I do to make it better?" Not so much to show them I care but rather to get their minds off their pain and/or disappointment.
That is a writer's guide that works very well. But the more I thought about it I realized that is the framework for everybody who has ever lived. Until finally, you die.
That is within your power to change.
I think most of you would be surprised at how happy I am. I think the secret is my lowering of expectations. I don't need much and appreciate everything I do have.
Not sad - disappointed.
How could any American oppose that?
I thought we had put racism behind us - or at least started down the road to recovery. Now the number of open racists is extremely alarming.
Cheese is just a loaf of milk.
You know that feeling when you get caught riding the coin-operated horse outside the supermarket after telling the homeless man you didn't have any change?
Fuck Putin.
I don't even know who those people are but it looks funny.
The official sports drink of my youth...
We called that a hosepipe.
Imagine a corpse having a better lifestyle than you. This guy even has a gold wiener cap. I'm pretty sure none of you have a gold wiener cap.
Do you remember the internet's oldest
"I know a guy who can do it cheaper" meme?
I like double-take things like this...
It's so hot my garlic took its cloves off.
The CDC now says your boss can legally exhume your Covid-ridden corpse and prop it up at the cash register like Weekend At Bernie's.
I've never seen one of those. I assume it could help if only a little.
And he played a believable murderous villain in The Equalizer 2.
And there seemed plenty of room to extend the load over the cab to keep that from happening.
Guys working together do shit like this all the time.
Wolverine and Deadpool can't be circumcised because of their regeneration abilities.
Being a fan of billionaires must feel like walking around a casino you don't own and hooting every time the house wins.
That looks like a Claes Oldenburg.
A couple of admirable photos
Some of these must have been done on purpose.
These are the streets of Seregno, generated by the violent hail storms in Milan. North of the city in the Brianza area (July 21, 2023).

B10: I did that once to stay warm
Damn city cut off my gas, so I turned all the window units around.
It was only 40-45 outside so it worked pretty well to add heat to the house.
C4: best cell phone case ever!
First Measure: put any three pills on each side of the scale
Result 1: Weight equal - Measure the two unweighed pills against each other to find the heavier one.
Result 2: One side heavier - subsequently compare any two of the pills from the heavier side
Result 2A: Weight equal - the remaining pull from the initial three heavier set is the poison pill.
Result 2B: One side heavier - it is the poison pill.
Cellphone looks like a meat cleaver.
Puzzle Time
Take 6 and weigh 3 a side.
If one side is heavier take those three and weigh one a side.
If equal it's the reaming one.
If the three a side was equal weigh the remaining two.
PUZZLE TIME: Put them ALL in the bin and sell the scales to a drug-dealer.
Puzzle time, I can do it with one weighing.
Way 4 on each side.
Take the four from the heavier side, and give three to your least favorite friends. Set one aside.
If all your least favorite friends live, the one you set aside is the poison.
If one of your least favorite friends died, then you just ridded yourself of a problem.
that ski mask thing in russia, growing up i had friends in russia/from russia and they wore these things in Canada too and they're used in Canada as well. They're cheap, I mean you can find them at dollar stores - It's prolly just a cold climate thing.. think, face hurts when wind chill/wind
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