About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, October 27, 2023

FRIDAY #5420

 One Of My Very Own







I seem to remember that it is very hot in there.




I've painted many paintings much bigger than that.



An escalator for cyclists in Norway.

That looks exhausting.


Brick is meant to breathe. 

Painting it can trap moisture inside your walls.

I knew a lady who said she was going to have her brick home painted. I told her she would change a maintenance-free home and turn it into a structure that would require maintenance. She painted it anyway.


I like looking at this from time to time.



Hot Air Balloons


My spirit animal has rabies.


Marines don't even know how to spell the word dafeet.








What the hell did they expect to happen?


Unfortunately, there is no lifeguard in the gene pool.


It's never too late to start getting fit and that is why I'm waiting until later.










I knew a couple who got married at a drive-thru chapel and the lady in the window asked "You want vows with that?" exactly like they ask if you want fries.


Taco Bell

I've never seen men with more abysmal fighting skills.


A writer is someone who forces what's living in their head to pay rent.


Due to inflation and food price increases the five-second rule has been extended to 10 seconds.






And that is why the trees died in the Biosphere (?).













Ian Dunross said...


What a nice bunch of people.

Ian Dunross said...

Over here painting brick is not uncommon.

Ian Dunross said...

Murica keeping it classy!

Ian Dunross said...

And they need a app to check if two people are related before they fuck each other due to their patronymic or matronymic surnames.


Anonymous said...

Huge fucking geckos!

Ian Dunross said...


Apologies for NY Post link, I did search for left leaning sources without luck.

So he lied about being confused and an accident, that was calculated and deliberate. Pity there were cameras there.

Ian Dunross said...


From the outset it was one big propaganda mission and the world has fallen for it.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ian,
Please put all of you comments into one. Multiple pages takes me too long. Thanks.

Burgervan said...

PUZZLE TIME: Batman just fucked all 4 Teletubbys. XD

Anonymous said...

Ralph Henry said...
Dear Ian,
Please put all of you comments into one. Multiple pages takes me too long. Thanks.

Dear Ralph,

You've shat me out for the same crime before. It's not easy to collate replies on a smartphone, to be honest it's a fucking pain in the arse.

The last time you lost your shit with my multiple replies a few years ago I thought fuck Ralph let's game the system like he says and I reverted to posting anonymously.

Strangely enough, you've posted a lot of stuff I sent you on your blog, and it's stuff you really enjoyed. Think bout things like the new massive telescope etc.

So where does that leave me, posting anonymously again where you seem happy to post my comments and at times thank me for them. Some days 90+% of your comments come from me.

In future, I'll revert to posting anonymously again.

Posting anonymously, you posted all my comments

Anonymous said...

A8: yes, it would be less exhausting if the rider would use it correctly (from the opposite side). By choosing to go on the outside of the curb, he's introduced his own discomfort and a need to have another person trigger it for him. Put his bike two feet to the right and rest his left foot on the lifting stud and he would be fine.

Spam4phil said...

Nana Nana Nana Nana Batman!

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