About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 One Of My Very Own




For those nights when you just want to flaunt your wealth.


That's the only one I've ever truly faked (the box of stacked cash doesn't count). Only the top bill is a $20 bill, the rest are ones.




Is it just me or would the rest of you lose faith in your boss who sends a mop to lynch you?



There are people who think that any time someone gets something means they lose something. I am not such a person.


I know a scientist who endures 8-hour Zoom meetings with NASA all the while being pelted for very technical information. It's not for the weak.


Mine would say "A nap".


I swore off misspelled tattoos but this one is just too good to ignore.

I guess this is as good a time as any to discuss this, but I have imposed limits on myself that are making compiling a daily blog a grueling experience. Topics that no longer interest me include but are not limited to: cats, Dungeon & Dragons, Star Wars, naked women, dogs, famous people, Lord of the Rings, reality TV, skateboard falls, misspelled signs, stripper pole mishaps, long basketball shots, cows in cars, upside-down houses, cars in pools, cakes that look like other things, etc. I'm toying with the idea of imposing a no-post-of-Sunday protocol to free up some of my time for art.


I still think this is one of the funniest things on the internet.

I thought it was pre-marriage counseling.


Thanks, Joe.


Pup being disciplined...












Wait for it...







Modeled after every Waffle House in America.


I just put the half-eaten chip back in the bowl and grab a whole one.


Maximum stability






This took me much longer than it should have...


I seem to remember that that scene was ad-libbed.


Penny Farthing Mounting





We have been hearing that for over 2000 years.




_ _ _ _   _ _ _ _


Anonymous said...

That was a great April fool's joke! I actually believed you.

billr said...

^^C9^^ There's a new book out called The Blues Brothers that is about the making of the movie by that name. I've only just started it but am fascinated by it. The first couple chapters are basically biographical, first about John Belushi, and then Dan Ackroyd, with a lot of stuff about the improv comedy scene in the 60s and early 70s. I expect there will be a chapter on Animal House at some point. If this gets mentioned I'll report back and let you know. I recommend the book enthusiastically. The author is Daniel de Vise.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Please cut off your penis dear, best case scenario you bleed to death.

Anonymous said...


billr said...

^^C9^^ here’s a paragraph from the Blues Brothers book about the guitar scene.
In the movie sequence, Bluto walked up to a beatnik character who was serenading some women with a acoustic guitar, singing the folk standard "I Gave My Love a Cherry." Bluto
stopped in his tracks. His face morphed through aseriesofexpressions: puzzlement, revulsion, resolve. He grabbed the guitar and smashed it against the wall. He was supposed to hit the wall once, but the guitar
refused to splinter. Bluto erupted in fury, swinging the instrumentback and forth against two walls until only the neck remained. He handed
the stump back to the beatnik with a gentle "Sorry."

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