I wanted to use new uncirculated bills for this but my bank manager tells me that they can no longer order them that way.
The idea was to wrap 1/4" plywood with bills so that the segments added up to a whole bill.
I numbered each piece because getting them in the correct order was paramount.
Then I built a little box around the pieces.
The back has the alignment also.
I've almost run out of space in my sample box.
I just screwed a piece from that latest work to the inside lip.
Here is part of the write-up I used to describe this piece.
I'm thinking that horse just learned never to do that again. Also, the horse in the foreground is like "WTF?!"
Is it just a costume or strength augmentation?
Interspecies Surfers
Drunk people are so entertaining.
If I had to wear one of those to make sure I stayed home it would be no punishment at all.
Dramatic Entrance #1
Dramatic Entrance #2
When I first returned home from my military stint in Europe my mother asked if I would mind sitting down for lunch with her black maid sitting at the table. I assured her it was okay. Then when I sat down the black maid got up and left the table saying, "I ain't sitting next to no hippie!"
I look at the ceiling light fixture in my bedroom and think of how the previous homeowner's wife looked at that same light fixture when she was getting nailed in a missionary position.
My wife and I have settled into eating the same thing on the same day of the week. Like Wednesday is seafood day, Saturday is pizza day, etc.
I think that's a great idea.
I don't mind that another site posted my meme and I even understand why they got rid of my Folio Olio signature block but why would they delete the little pointers from the captions?

I think that's a great idea.
I'll take tiles, they don't burn like rubber.
Because they're not needed.
concentrated milk?
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