About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


 One Of My Very Own



My Viewers React




I think his well went bad.


Lots of Cautionary Tales today


I had a car that was advertised as interior washable but I never tried it.










If you found that on a beach would you plug that into your computer?



It warns not to use the cable to hang yourself.


Those dogs are happiest doing that.



I'm a big proponent of beauty. It amazes me that so many people live their whole lives devoid of it. More depressing still is their complete lack of uniqueness.


Remember that I inherited a barful of decorated bills very similar to that.







Who really gives a shit? Why would seeing the top part of a man's underwear send some people into a rage? And yet women can walk around with half their actual ass exposed and nobody bats an eye.


I used to do that.








Self Rescue


Mammoth Tusk

They just became very rich men.


Two Balls



We had an even better way. We would take a regular wood saw and cut off a two-inch sapling about two feet from the ground. Then we would saw straight down through the middle of the sapling stump. The vibrations would travel down through the roots and the worms would literally swarm to the surface.









Anonymous said...


Using a hand plane to cut hair.

Anonymous said...

If you found that on a beach would you plug that into your computer?

Yes but the computer will be running from a live linux image.

Anonymous said...


Japan is full of those arty manhole covers.

Anonymous said...


That guy travels mostly to crappy places others don't go to.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

3 Top left window diagonal line.

billr said...

^^C6^^ Aside from the potential for food poisoning from likely unsanitary conditions overall, that looks like it'd be pretty tasty.

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