About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 One Of My Very Own



My grandson went to Dubai and brought me an hourglass made out of reused loom spindles from a defunct textile mill and filled with very, very fine sand from the desert.




The stone arch - a marvel of engineering.



The practice failures must have been painful.


Is that true? You pay them to work there?




My chemist friend used to draw those all the time. I miss that guy.









One of my jobs at the university was in the Procurement Office and I delivered many a desk and file cabinet up stairs just like that.


Just remember that a sail as large as the side of that truck will push a boat at 25mph.


He seems to enjoy his work.









I sent that to my wife and she put it on FaceBook and dozens of her friends commented. Most wanted to know where I was. A couple did image searches. Most wanted to know how I was allowed to have a weapon on the podium.


I gave my grown nephew a hiking stick made from one of those. But back then I didn't have a grandson. I wonder if it would be rude to ask my nephew to return it if he's not using it. Any opinions?


I'm of the opinion that bartenders see more assholes than any other profession and I was a bartender for a long, long time.




An example...









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous billr said...
^^A4^^ This was a real ad for a real summer camp. I forget where, somewhere in the south. When it went viral they changed the copy.

It was Louisiana.

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