About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 5, 2024

FRIDAY #5672

 One Of My Very Own











How very intriguing.





My brother-in-law got shot in the side with a .22 rifle when he was a kid. The bullet traveled just below the skin all the way across his back and could be seen as a bulge on the opposite side of his body. The doctor made a small incision to remove the slug and he had no other injuries. Lucky guy.





From a movie?



I posted news of that a couple of years ago but it hasn't been made available.






As I understand it, the Navy throws a drag show of sailors who are crossing the equator for the first time.


I found another picture from my honeymoon.



That looks like fun.


Remember when conservatives wanted less government?




Make sure you look for the bees swarming around the guy.


Elk Baller


Trump Assault

That is not a real dummy. It was photoshopped.









Anonymous said...


Have you seen what an AK-47 and a myriad of other weapons do? Tell me again why we need those?

Anonymous said...


And the batteries?

Anonymous said...

From a movie?

The Exorcist

Was not included in the original release.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^C5^^ Invest in a VPN. This will make it look like you're connecting from somewhere else. Bonus: you will screw up Ralph's visitor stats in a very minor, probably unnoticeable, way.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: I Will Survive

Anonymous said...


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