About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 12, 2024

FRIDAY #5679

 One Of My Very Own



I'd like to have met that guy.


I've traveled many a mile on roads like that.



You have to go very, very fast to do that. My friend Dave tried it and ended up with a dark black bruise that covered his entire butt cheek.


Can you spell virgin, boys and girls?


Do you ever wonder what they talk about? When my friend Bill (Fat Man on Bench) waited on the bench with Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump all Tom wanted to talk about was my friend's stained glass business.


Wow. But I was told that all the colors but black fade rather quickly and I wonder what it will look like then.


I want to retell a story.

My wife's friend Lori was extraordinarily beautiful. When she and her boyfriend were walking down the beach they noticed a commotion in an adjacent parking lot and went over to investigate. A company was seconds away from raffling off a car so Lori filled out a small card and right when she was about to drop it in the collection bucket a man took it away. So Lori chased him down and begged him to include her entry. But she noticed that he did not put her entry in the bucket. He palmed it. But he was the guy who reached his hand in the huge rotating drum to select the winner. And lo and behold Lori won the card. On stage after she accepted the keys he asked her to meet him in his hotel room and gave her the number. She declined.



I ran across a collection of images of unusual most dangerous stairs that I though you might enjoy.











I've seen hundreds of stairs just like that in trailer parks all over the South.


I'm thinking fire escape for rental property.









I think having to work in a job you hate a travesty.



I can almost smell that.














Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: pasteurized milk.

David said...

Puzzle time - that's funny, I thought it was dirty so I googled it.

Sign for milk "past ur eyes"

Anonymous said...

I remember thinking we are at war with somebody. I don’t know who but it’s going to be ugly.

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