About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 29, 2024

MONDAY #5696

 One Of My Very Own


*I used that line in a novel I wrote.




*Verification Requested


This came without explanation.




Some people are obsessed with turning every important event in their lives into cinematographic productions. I think they have missed the whole point.




I researched the shit out of llamas for a book I wrote. They can be extremely territorial and aggressive.





Are you thinking what I'm thinking?





I think about all the repetative jobs you could teach them but they would problem balk by demanding more stimulation. Unlike humans who have a boredom override mechanism called "wages".


This is the assassin wannabe.


I credit my art training for allowing me to identify faces in nature that others miss.


That took me much too long.




Mr. Woody Guthrie.


Many of my fondest memories involve a keg of beer.



Working in an environment 95% female you learn to be very, very careful.



You wouldn't believe the collection of shit I have to aid in my meme-making.


I stood and watched a T-shirt knitting machine whose parts whirled so fast they were just a blur. They had large one for the body of the shirts and small ones for the sleeves and there was a huge room full of them.


Ding Checker: Something I didn't know existed.









Anonymous said...

*Verification Requested


ponder said...


Trying to zoom into a printed photo like you would do on a phone or tablet.

Anonymous said...

Sand box

Anonymous said...

^^B8^^ I'm dumber than you then cuz I still don't get it.

Stephen Hait said...

C1: Good on ya, mate.

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