About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


One Of My Very Own






Men without vivid memories must have a 

difficult time with old age.




More Anasaphilia...


I may have this wrong but those look like shipping containers and I would have thought they would be EXACTLY the same size.^^A7^^

Besides watching my grandson grow up, I want to live long enough to watch my daughter's satellite make it to the Lagrange Point.






I listened to two scholars debate whether Hemmingway wrote about his adventures or whether he had adventures just so he could write about them.











Who could resist?





I've spotted the beer drinker...


That woman has flooded the internet today. 

Something about spitting.


I don't understand why I get so many ads for items I just bought. They should know that of every item they sell that particular item is the one I no longer need.








Anonymous said...

I may have this wrong but those look like shipping containers and I would have thought they would be EXACTLY the same size.

ISO global standard containers basically come in 4 different sizes. They are all 8ft wide, lengthwise you get 20ft, 40ft, 45ft, height wise you get 8ft 6in (standard height) and 9ft 6in (high-cube). The 4 configurations are 20-foot
standard height, 40-foot standard height, 40-foot high-cube, 45-foot high-cube.

Those are the global sizes used internationally, then you get regional sizes for the US/Can, EU, Japan etc that are used within a particular region and transported by truck or train. In the US/Canada for example there are 48-foot high-cube and 53-foot high-cube. These are not only longer but also wider at 8ft 6in.


Anonymous said...


Bréguet 1150 Atlantic 2.
Though the primary mission of the Atlantic is anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, its secondary roles include search and rescue, mine laying and detection and long-range maritime surveillance.


David said...

C7 - You, sir wound me.
I wish she'd run for president, she'd get more votes than Biden or Trump.


B3-Hemingway was a sadistic fascist man. He sat with Che and executed condemned people who had had no trial, and gloried in it. He deserves to be in the "dustbin of history".

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:

The parents are John and Jane Doe.

Alfred Doe (alfredo)
Potay Doe (potato)
Tornay Doe (tornado)
and of course
Play Doe. (Play Doh) (Play Doe is really the result of an indiscretion that Jane Doe enjoyed with Homer Simpson, but Doh'nt tell anyone!)


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