About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


 One Of My Very Own




A most beautiful photograph.


How many sins must she have committed to warrant THREE crosses?



I never see a picture like that that I don't think of my friend Amber - one of the most beautiful young women I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She and two of her friends were hired to take a yacht trip to the Bahamas with three old men. They were asked to go topless the whole time and none of the men laid a finger on them.


During my trips to Walt Disney World, I always tried to picture the humans sweating inside those costumes.








Something you don't see every day.




Think of the logistics of getting the equipment where it had to be before the calf got there.



What must the fish think?


In Saving Private Ryan the sharpshooter is in the bell tower when he sees the German tank aim at his location. My question is: If he had shot right down the barrel of that tank hitting the shell would it have exploded?




And that is why we need OSHA.


I'm done with all that.


You gotta love this guy.


I've had two hot tubs and not once did we wear bathing suits in them.



I was once married to a woman who taught two classes of aerobics a day. I'm a big fan of healthy.



There are people out there who have never crammed for a test all night prior and it shows.





*And that "thing" would be to exercise my 

rational thinking skills.




This took me much, much too long.


Anonymous said...

B7: I don't see that as being any different than an aquarium sitting on top of another aquarium.

What do the fish think when they're in an aquarium? Well, if fish do think it's probably exactly the same thing that they're thinking when they're in the other cube on top of the aquarium.

I see it as kind of asking what a human thinks when they're standing in a second floor window rather than I first floor window.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: 1 second.
It's a toe sticking out the hole of a sock.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have mastered photoshop you can really push your your need for "my name in lights" . Very Trumpian of you.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Trumpian Anon,
I assume you are referencing me using my face in many of my OOMVO. Whose face would you like me to use? Several times I have asked my viewers to send me a photo so I could use their faces and several did, I would like very much to use your face. I'm just not keen on using stock faces off the internet. How about you send me a list of faces I should use so that I won't disappoint you again.

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