About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This is Afghanistan's biggest industry. They can't just let it go...they would starve.
I think that "Open Shirt Zones" would be a good idea.
Those zany Mexicans. These happen to be protesting in America.
What the fuck does this mean? *****
Goths are so nonconformist that they all dress alike.
Friendship Bracelets from Thailand.... And this reminds me of all the Americans walking around with Chinese symbols tattooed on the arm that they have no idea of the meaning.
A guy can only be called "Annie" so many times before he snaps.
I found this very interesting. My question is, Why don't more religious people believe him? Why would most people reject him as a fraud? *****
I sat next to a man at a bar this afternoon. He told me about his uncle. This uncle regularly put sardines on his bowl of Corn Flakes (TRUE). Once he and his friend were firing off a few round from one of his dozens of pistols and a taxi, which had taken a wrong turn, came up the uncle's drive. The uncle said, "Watch this", and shot the sign off the roof. The cabbie went immediately to the local sheriff and told him what had happened. The sheriff said that he would drive out and talk to the man the next morning, because, "Don't nobody mess with Mister Kaufman when he's drinking."



Poverty meeting attracts poor turnout.
Hemlock Society optimistic about future.
Nuclear plant gets glowing report.
Anxiety an issue to worry about.
Things you can say to your dog but not your wife....come.
I'm learning anatomy with Chatroulette.
Stop being a fucking pussy!
This is the grossest cake I have ever seen....I like it.
Tired of the heat? Just a reminder or two...
Because dominos are so boring. Doesn't this look like fun?
Okay, listen up. This is fake. They put the croc on the wall then stood far back to give the illusion...well, you know. Hogzilla was done the same way. However, this is one big ass snake. This next one is rather special. The guy found a dying croc on the riverbank, it suffering from a gunshot wound to the eye. It had thinned down to "only" 150 pounds. The guy takes the croc home and nurses it back to health. When he returned the croc to the river, it tried to follow him home when he left. Now he goes to the river and whistles, and his croc friend comes. He gets in the water with it and they play like children. True story.
One of my very own... ________________________________________________

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the reaction buttons!

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