About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I really like doing my blog, but haven't been able to give it the time it deserves of late. Most of this week's posts will be what I call "Cleaning out a file".  Try to be patient.

I read an article recently that stated one of the first signs that the governments are becoming dysfunctional is the dramatic increase in potholes.  We'll see.

This is why I have to clean out the files ever so often. This very interesting tid-bit got lost in the clutter and now...not very topical.

I came across dozens of images of homes in the flood plain that were saved in the exact same method as below. It was hinted on that website that the other people were stupid for not protecting their property. I counter with they were not rich enough to do it.

Speaking of chicken...the font is too small, but you get the drift....
Ducks number 2?!? Who woulda thought?

So, Stephen Hawking walks into a bar............................
.......................................................................................................................................................................Stephen Hawking walks into a bar.

Speaking of my friend Stephen, read this from an esteemed evangelist....
If you are ever presented with this non-sense, just ask them where god came from. "Well, he has always been here", they will say. 
So he was created out of nothing?
Further, I no more believe in the big bang than I believe that the speed of light is unbreakable. I suggest that by our present measuring devices, this seems to work. Period. No laws or absolutes, just measurements that will one day prove silly.

Know what this guy is doing?
Playing his pinball machine.

When I was young I had two younger sisters and told my dad that I wanted a little brother. My dad said, "So do I, but your mother swallowed him."

If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd probably just yell out letters......get it?

Jewish newspapaer photoshopped out all women so as not to tempt the male readers with impure thoughts.
I want to meet the son of a bitch who could get a hard-on looking at Hilary Clinton.

Got a call from a charity last night asking me to donate my used clothing to starving people in Africa. I told her to go to hell. If they can fit in my clothes, they sure as shit ain't starving.

I want to buy stock in this company!!!!
That is just fucking awesomely brilliant!!!!

Two related items. Something like the first one would have seemed like a miracle in Jesus' time, don't you think?
And this is the exact same principle....

Will try....

With an aging population, this will be a very good idea.


Here's how it started. It's called Extreme Ironing, which proves a whole bunch of people have too much time on their hands. (the road was closed at the time)

No joke here...I think this is one of the most beautiful things the world has ever known. That it is shunned in some public places confuses me to no end.

I don't make this shit up, gentle readers; I just report it.

The Queen of Enablers goes to......
Yes, the man's mother has treated him just like a baby....ALL OF HIS LIFE!!!!

I know what the kid is doing. I've done it a thousand times. Do you know what he's doing?

This guy thinks he's soooooo special.
I paint hungover most all the time.

This is true. Weightlessness does some weird shit to your inner ear, and without getting into details I am an expert on inner ear malfunctions. 

One of my very own....


1 comment:

The Boy said...

Just wanted to give you a link to something regarding iowa's top soil loss check out the video its short. enjoy:


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