About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Stupid people who get attention pisses me off...

Soccer fakes pisses me off and spoils the whole game...

People who lie to me pisses me off...
Sammy Sosa says he is not trying to look like the late Michael Jackson, nor is he suffering from a skin infection. He also says the change in the color of his skin is not the byproduct of his alleged steroid use.

People who tell me there are some things I am forbidden to joke about pisses me off....

People who make the all too easy fat jokes piss me off...
I know that you Folio Olio viewers are much too sophisticated to laugh at such things...

Bras piss me off...

...So let 'em hang out there naturally.

It pisses me off that when we age we forget to play...

It pisses me off that the future we were promised was bullshit....

Religious nutcases piss me off...

All religious nutcases seem to pick and choose what parts of their holy books to obey, and those are the ones that fit neatly into their own prejudices....

Islam has parts that demand peace and kindness and other parts which demands cruelty....some pick the worst part.
And that pisses me off.

But it pisses me off that Islam and/or foreigners are not the only ones to fall for this self-serving bullshit...

Religion is so fucked that the person being fucked and the person doing the fucking BOTH think god is on their side.

Brainwashing children pisses me off...

And just like the kid above, this guy learned from his father that his actions are the way god meant things to be....and that pisses me off...

It pisses me off that America is so fucking smug that we will shoot ourselves in the foot...

It doesn't piss me off that companies fuck us at every opportunity, it pisses me off that we stand by and allow it...

The government's denials of my rights pisses me off...
But think about the people who NEED this shit...
A "DIRECT ANTITUMOR EFFECT" and yet we ban it because....because....I dare one of you to tell me why this innocent weed is illegal. Who started it and on what evidence? Nobody knows. It was just made a law by people we don't know, for what reasons we don't know and no one has the guts to just call it what it is....insanity.

...And I'm hardcore on this. I say if I guy wants to fuck a goddamn chicken, marry three consenting women, eat dirt, kill himself, etc, etc, etc, then what the hell gives the government the right to tell him he can't?

You know the rich buy politicians so they will pass laws to make them both richer. They know you know they buy politicians. The politicians know you know. You know they know you know. It pisses me off that we sit at home writing blogs and shit and let them get away with it.

PETA pisses me off, but not because they want us to all turn into Vegans...that is actually a pretty smart move. What pisses me off is taking a good idea, then going just too damn far...like condemning medical research on rats and shit...

Speaking of animals, I hate bull fighting, but not why you think. Killing the animal is not my concern....torturing the motherfucker prior to some prissy bitch stabbing it before it bleeds to death does piss me off. I say, quit stabbing the bastard from padded horses until it can barely stand, and just let the guy go out there mano to mano....

Dentists piss me off, that's why I have boycotted them for two years.

Paying a grown man to stick his finger up my ass every year pisses me off...

That they didn't have these things when I was in college pisses me off...

This motherfucker pisses me off and I don't even know why...

That I picked a traditional wedding invitation instead of something as cool as this one pisses me off....

Americans in stupid wars pisses me off. I say pull all troops home from South Korea, Germany, etc, etc, etc, and let them SEAL OUR FUCKING BORDERS!!!!!

One of my very own....

Remember Ladies....Camping in the woods = Nudity
...It's like a rule.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'm watching a 1994 movie on Netflix titled "No Escape" starting Ray Liotta. It's about a maximum security prison in 2022. When Ray gets there the warden calls him into his office to discuss his crime, and says, "Court Martial. 2011. Benghazi, Libya. You walked straight up to your commanding officer, put you gun to his head and blew his brains out."



 Shit, man, I'm moving to Russia.
(on second thought, maybe most of them are just obese)

With the average size in Japan at an A, this girl must be a fucking goddess....

 So...ah....how's that special little darling of yours doing?

Shit you may have missed on the internet....

A young man named Billy turned me on to Johnny. I don't think I've ever thanked him.

You see anything.....odd about this photo?
 You know the drill... [ HIS LEFT HAND ]

I would love to send my second grader to school with this for show and tell....

This motherfucker has TWO jaws!

Contrary to what you may believe, this eagle is not drunk.
He is maneuvering to make a very high speed dive.

Vegetarian food for a carnivore....Brilliant!

Shit, why aren't we dropping bombs here? Oh, I forgot. They have no oil.

Plus, in the case above, I would suggest that it is because those women were black. Why do we continue our insane "War" on drugs? Same reason. The people in power are white and the "criminals" are black.

Making something hard out of something too, too easy...

I had the opportunity to paint a mural about the treaty signed between the British and the Cherokee Nation. While doing my research I was shown what remained of the original Cherokee trail; the interstate highway between the Cherokee's base in North Carolina and the coast. Over the years, millions of feet had tamped the trail down a good four or five feet below ground level.

When I entered my first nuclear weapons facility, I discovered that all the technician had huge handlebar mustaches, and just like the cartoon below, I was instructed that I would grow one myself. I've had one ever since.

I bought this print at the exact same booth on the Left Bank pictured in the print....where's your god now?

This woman's "crime" is being a widow with no male relatives...

Can you image the chinese little girls who make these things talking about them during lunch?

You know what a clock nut I am...This one is GREAT!

I want their job...

In my opinion, the sexiest scene in filmdom...

Sign that you are not supposed to laugh at...
 (if you didn't smile, you might want to read it again)

(read it again)

One of my very own...

A picture of an almost naked woman taken by a naked woman....something you don't see everyday. 

And lastly...

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