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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



That man makes art out of poured salt....

I learned something recently.
Sticking the rag down in the bottle is a ticket to disaster.
All you have to do is soak the rag, cap the bottle, then tie the rag on the neck of the bottle. When thrown and bottle breaks it will catch fire.

The marks are painted on the surfaces and appear to be equal....

When you turn the square, different poses appear in the shadow....


Do you think human beings are supposed to live like this?

Are we programed to live this close together?

Is it right to hear your neighbors' every conversation, smell their meals and see thousands of people you don't know every day?

Can't you just smell the freshness and purity of this place?



Read this....


If you don't know the relationship between these two things, it's okay, it really is.....

No, it's not sitting on the ground shrouded by fog....

And just in case some of us boomers wanted to forget, we were reminded nightly with ads like this.....

And "toys" like this....

A dust devil on Mars....

Outraged yet?

I would eat one of these in a heartbeat.....

I have mixed feelings about this....

This turn signal glove flashes when you make a fist. I need one for my golf cart....

Want to see the Amazon River but don't like insects?

Yes, this is who you think it is....

And even though this child is probably dead now, I respect her very much....

I have no idea...

If you were an alien from outer space and flew down and this was the first thing you saw humans do, what would you think of us?

Want to guess what this is?
 [ Micro-crack in steel through an electron microscope ]

It's official. We did not have a winter here in South Carolina. Many loved it. It scared the shit out of me.

This is not a room....

Do you know why blue prints are called blue prints?
 When plans were actually drawn with pencils, you took the drawing, laid it on top of a kind of photography paper, then ran the two over an intense light. Then it passed over ammonia fumes to develop it. The ammonia turned the paper blue where it had been exposed; stayed white where the pencil line shielded it. 
I've made many of them....and the machine would stink up the whole building.

This is a pretty cool illusion. The white area in the middle looks whiter than the rest of the page.....

Volvo with a pedestrian airbag....





Jambe said...

Motoi Yamamoto's stuff is incredible. He also does salt sculptures that resemble little flower petals and leaves. I wonder if he's prone to sneezing...

That staple mural is great, too.

wrt cities: I would argue that the suburban experiment has lead people to be less community-oriented, less friendly, and less "in touch" with their own cultures generally. We glorify the image of the gutsy loner when in fact the vast majority of loners would die without the societies they supposedly reject.

*shrug* Better sound dampening is what we need, I guess — certainly not more hateful, ugly, sprawling suburbs that take fifteen minutes to cross at 30mph in vehicles powered by stuff that's largely controlled by the whims of people who hate us.

Ralph Henry said...

I hate the suburbs. There are alternatives to great density and great detached ugliness.

As to keeping in touch with your own culture, yeah, try getting off at the "wrong" subway stop and you will be introduced to your culture very quickly. Further, I guess cleaning up fecal matter and vomit off your stoop could, I guess, be preferable to suburbs, but it's just not for me.

Jambe said...

Oh, I'm not saying megacity metropolises are the answer, either. It's something of an open question just how big any given community should be.

i.e. how big must a burg be to provide a worthwhile sense of "urban anonymity" while not being SO BIG that significant portions of it become ghettoized or otherwise detached from the community at large.

There's nothing particularly wrong with separate family dwellings, as they're sensibly integrated into the town and not spread out like too little butter on too much toast.

People ejecting stuff onto your stoop is, I should think, more a symptom of ghettoized societies than a problem with living close together. The two are related but they don't go hand in hand (by dint of the fact that smallish closely-integrated towns can thrive).

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