About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013



Goodbye, nice lady...

Thought this clip rather interesting...
 The season finale was a ball buster.
If more characters keep dying, I may actually be able to follow the plot.

I challenge you to find a whiter problem than Mad Men and Game of Thrones being on at the same time.
Seriously, my wife banishes me from the room during GoT because I'm like "Wait, who the fuck is this guy again?"

Damn guys?! Can't what left of us just get along?

As I understand it, the troubles in Turkey all began when there was a protest to keep the government from cutting down trees in a park.
 Protesters aiding a wounded policeman...
Flouting the new law that prohibits it, people in back allies are selling beer and shots to the protesters.

You only ignore teargas.....once....

And in Germany...

Grown men behaving just like little girls...
...except that fourth guy....the manly man who flinched but a knee.

Read this in a letter to the editors today:

"Government is getting too big and evolving into an uncontrollable freedom-eating monster."
I tend to agree with that assessment.
And before we accept this next quote as attractive...
 Just remember, we have tried it all over the world and it doesn't work...

Why....WHY?...are we even having to discuss this?

Mother = Mischief Manager

I'll bet you one unplanned pregnancy that you are secretly pro-choice.

Rather interesting images...

This leaves a very important question just begging to be asked...

The best part of being old is that I did all my stupid shit before the internet.

My doctor told me that I have acquired my first sexually transmitted disease.....carpal tunnel syndrome.

Not one of my own, but I wish it was...

 Another sentence that may never have been written before...

 This motherfucker has a CUP HOLDER!!!
Take my money...please.

Well, well, what have we here...
Okay, who invented the fucking time machine?

From CNN home page:

- 8 arrested at kindergarten graduation

"....and then you can click a little thingie and it will make everything in the picture blurry as hell!"

I hate people telling me what to do so much that I routinely stick Q-tips in my ear for no reason whatsoever.

Whose designs a system that punishes a woman with a period for NOT being pregnant?

You think after it was over the Virgin Mary said, "Have you pulled out yet?"

Worth the read...

People say, "I could care less" when they mean, "I couldn't not care lesser."

Prepare to get fucked by the long dick of the law...

I dreamed last night that I gave birth to a rabbit in the toilet.........and I thought that was....funny.

Remember that farmhouse that was turned into a life sized dollhouse?
 Well, it burned...

Rat on Mars?

I have done nothing at all today, and it feels awesome.
I'm not lazy. I prefer the term "selective participation".

One of my very own...

Can you imagine a man faking an orgasm?

Cheaper than a vasectomy...

There is a time and a place for non-alcoholic beer.

Never and in the trash.

I trust tomatoes more than anything else in the world.

I use sarcasm instead of punching you in the throat.

But don't press your luck.

I've actually done this...

 “Because it’s there”, May 29th, 1953
This is what the summit looks like now...
A fucking trash heap.
Why don't they just install an elevator?

Thanks for giving your children names that no one can spell or pronounce just to satisfy you own ego.

All the talk of drones making our streets safer....

From the police chief of a major city....

"The idea is to use airborne infra-red cameras to collect evidence, which could then be used to prosecute vandals who deface property at night."
Graffiti Artists: Public Enemy Number One.

I'll be impressed when my phone's battery works as many hours a day as the kids who built it.

"I sense a certain....lack of enthusiasm, Miriam..."

I have, for reasons I need not bore you with, curtailed my beer consumption and taken up red wine. Today my friend, Tommy, and I were sitting in a bar when I questioned the bartender about a dry red wine. The bartender brought us both a sip sample. I liked it and ordered a glass.
Tommy knocked back his "sip" in one quick gulp, gasped and said, "I wouldn't even cook collards with this shit!"
We all need friends like Tommy.

Dear Germany,
Your views of this blog are second only to the US. You are kicking Canada and the UK's ass, who have been #2 and #3 for years. Good work, my friends.


Unknown said...

Indeed, works as promised. Got mine and yours in my email.

Jambe said...

"Just remember, we have tried it all over the world and it doesn't work..."

So you'd rather accede to fascist corporatism than risk stirring up some anarchy?

I've probably done this here before, but I'll try it again. Consider:

the underprivileged people you've helped. Socialist.
the charities you've given to. Socialist.
that you've probably trained your kids to be caring and easygoing. Socialist.
that you're just giving your thoughts and ideas away for free. Socialist.
how you overcame racism. Socialist.
how you probably like firefighters and (nice) police officers. Socialist.
how you don't grow and cook all your food yourself. Socialist.

My point, ultimately, is that there's no such thing as pure socialism or pure capitalism anywhere in human history, and indeed there cannot be. We are instinctively social: unless our brainbits get damaged, we can't not see value in cooperating with other people, and cooperation requires that both parties cede some liberty. Conversely, our minds are localized and we value our minds, so we also instinctively want to protect our minds from both physical and existential (i.e. philosophical) threats (in other words, "we wanna be as free as possible").

Given that our mere existence is innately contradictory in that way, it only follows (to my logic, anyhow) that the systems we build will inherently exhibit the same contradictions. Therefore, social systems like governments cannot be absolutely socialist or absolutely capitalist; they can approach those extremes but never reach them (perfection being paradoxical and all).

I'd further suggest that a society gets shittier as it gets too close to either extreme, and that our society is too close the capitalist extreme (and I generally prefer capitalism to socialism, so that's saying something).

It might also be worth pointing out that forms of government don't necessarily go hand in hand with economic systems. You could have a highly-capitalist monarchy or a somewhat-capitalist dictatorship or a mixed economy republic or a somewhat-socialist theocracy or a highly-socialist federation or whatever. These things are spectra/scales, not absolutes.


regards that mask: woah! It seems a legit photo afaict. It's clearly not the popular David Lloyd depiction of a Guy Fawkes mask, but it's near enough to warrant a second look. Weird.


I see you're quoting BoingBoing and Doctorow simultaneously. Good taste, my friend.


In more totally irrelevant but awesome weather news: there's currently a rain/mist fog in the air. The drops and mist are once again at just the right temperature to feel neither warm nor cool. Damned surreal walking around in that. I love it.

Also, I must say again this blog is great. The billy club dildos were a highlight here...

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