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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014





 An international team of scientists claims to have set a world record by cooling an 880-pound block of copper to a temperature of six milliKelvins (or -459.659 degrees Fahrenheit). That's just a smidge above absolute zero, which is roughly -460 Fahrenheit.


A storm on Saturn...


I wonder if anybody at McDonalds Monopoly Game promotion knows math...


A real headline...
 Apparently, he dropped a lit cigarette down his shirt and jumped out.


It's true. He landed this bad boy with only a hook on the end of a rope...took four hours to get it in the boat.

First some cheap costume ideas...
"French Kiss."
The problem is, there are only a handful of Americans that will even understand what this is....
I've got my decorations up...
It was stated that this is how he went to a costume party.

Another dog entertaining himself...

The Folio Olio Center for Applied Rationality has come up with another idea:

The credit card companies want you to have your card at all times. You want the card at all times. The bar doesn't want to deal with a box of left cards. So, when a card is left, the bar swipes the card in the scanner and punches in a code, letting the credit card company know one of their customers has lost their card. Then the credit card company will notify the customer as to its location. Everybody wins.

Nice save...
Wow! Yes, it's just that easy to die.
It's called situational awareness, and it's a good thing.

I heard a new joke about Ebola, but you probably won’t get it.

Insurance scam?
 ...or mental illness?

I take my pleasure very seriously.

The year is 2089. Toasters are made clear now and no one burns toast or bagels. Crime is at 0%.

You think Starbucks is expensive per cup? Try Victoria’s Secret.

These are from that new site I like so much...

 "What do these mushrooms remind you of?" asked Freud.
 I'll give you a hint...

TRUE: In South Carolina, not only has a convicted felon run for and won statewide office, but that same convicted felon is forbidden by law to vote for himself.

And this is why he gets the big bucks...or pecos...or whatever they use...

Do they sell puppets with no strings attached?

“I like the little round slices of shitty hard bread in Chex Mix. That’s actually my favorite part.”

Nothing says poor life choices like the guy with the half smoked cigarette behind his ear.

There is one brick missing....
 I would have noticed that.
Half way up. A little left of center.

Guy gives a high-five to another guy in gondola...

If someone could find a way to make all pets live as long as humans that person would win all the Nobel prizes.

The whole purpose of vacationing is to make you appreciate knowing where the channels are at home.

One of my very own...
 Not so proud of that one.

People in my city purposely avoid driving through campus for this reason alone.
But we have been finding ways to avoid one another for a long time...

Here's a sentence one of my bartenders used concerning cellphone obcesseion: "Why don't they just conversate with one another?"
Conversate. What a delightful word.

Edgar Allan Poe poses with Abraham Lincoln in Mathew Brady’s Washington studio...

I got off the internet for a few minutes today. Wasn't worth it.

Let's read the intructions from you creator again...
Maybe you need to reevaluate the wisdom of such a being. 

It's called problem solving - not stupidity...

I think crunching your disposable water bottle as you drink should be a crime.

Commuters reported increased happiness after having engaged in conversation with strangers, although their instincts were to ignore them.

Shit you don't see everyday...

The immunological and anti-inflammatory properties of human breast milk make it beneficial for sick newborns in intensive care, where it can reduce a variety of complications.


Street art...

The Apollo 11 Command/Service Module being mated to the Saturn V Lunar Module Adapter. April 11, 1969....

 It's completely computer generated. Notice how "people" kind of keep running after they have been knocked down.
I have to admit, I stared at that far longer than is healthy.


Scott James said...

Fahrenheit and Celsius converge at menus 40, not the 40.

Scott James said...

Never heard of the "secret" credit card code. Can't find any documentation referencing it Visa either.

It is plausible. However, I don't think it exists.

Spider Borland said...

Fahrenheit... Celsius... and Geometry. That would be some fast moving water!

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