About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014





Got this from the city today...
We have selected your tree to be recognized as part of this year’s Treasured Trees. Please join us this Friday, December 5th, at the Governor’s Mansion Grounds for our recognition ceremony.

And here is that magnificent bastard...
And I own it. 

My latest sculpture is awaiting money...
(Pastafarian Helmet for scale)
I have determined that this one work needs new dollar bills. I had already saved more than enough a few a day, and will simply swap them for brand new bills. Sadly the bank had to order them and they won't be here for two weeks.
That wasn't very clear, so let me expand.
I never liked the idea of going to the banking and "buying" dollar bills. It just didn't seem real enough. But the dollars in this piece have to poke out of a board for a long, long time and many of my bills are too distressed to remain rigid.

Tonight a very dear friend told me about the time she was helping plan a "riparian" wedding. I asked her to repeat the theme again and she did, even spelling it. I told her that I had never heard that word before. Now I am going to give you a few seconds to really think about it, then I will give you the definition.

Sometimes I think I just need a hug. And a blowjob. And seven hundred thousand dollars.

Guy cements cordwood to make house...
 Inside and out...

These to gun-toting Palestinian children are celebrating their "victory" over Israel after the latest conflict...
 I don't know how many more of these "victories" they can take.

I have such a love affair with my computer I call her “Internette.”

Our image of evil space aliens surely derives from a fear that they will treat us just as we treat one another.
-   Neil deGrasse Tyson

I think he's done that before.

Not on your life...

Everything is going to be okay until raptors learn how to open doors.

Twin waterspouts...
And it looks like another might drop on the left.

Memory foam mattress....

(goddamn that's funny!)

Nikesh Shukla and Nick Hearne sent this tandoori lamb chop to space hung from a weather balloon that made it to 25,000 kilometers up...

Because they fucking could.

A couple of tables for your assessment...

Back in my day there was no cyber in cyber-bullying.

Being called White Trailer Trash isn’t racist if it’s true.

Just remember, no problem is so big that you can’t make it worse by getting drunk and acting like an asshole.

"To call the elevator, connect the two wires."

Yes, there is a word for weddings taking place on a river bank.....they are from Savannah where they deal with such things.

"The film, which is expected to feature new revelations about the controversial religion and its famous followers Tom Cruise and John Travolta, almost certainly will draw an aggressive response from the notoriously litigious church. We have probably 160 lawyers [looking at the film]," says HBO Documentary Films president Sheila Nevins, who is bracing for protests as well.

A Lame One Of My Very Own...
 Let's try something perhaps more clever...

Magnifying Spoon, A Spoon With a Built-In Magnifying Glass for Detecting Unwanted Materials in Foodstuffs...
 Not first world problem.

A gift for every child...

 I Googled that and it's true.

These people lost their camera in the forest. The guy who found it is using a huge image sight to try to locate them...
 What a nice gesture.

 Americans from every state answered questions about every state:
Damn Alabama and Mississippi!!!
And New York has this result...

FIREFIGHTER: Because brave ass motherfucker isn’t an official job title.

 The mother lode...

600.000 Russians waiting for Rammstein - 7th biggest concert ever…

I’m about to have my favorite alcoholic drink. It’s called a lot.

Would this be a great name for my exhibit if I choose to have one?

My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it lunch.

Yeah, that's what I do all day...

Reached a milestone today. The junk drawer in the kitchen is at maximum capacity and we either have to: A) Clean it out, B) Commandeer another drawer, or C) Stop buying crap we only use once every six years. Will keep you informed.

Someone left me a comment thinking I advocated us middle-class people giving our money to poor (spelled lazy) people...
That is not my position. Rather that the rich are getting richer not due to hard work or smart work, but because they buy politicians who pass laws exempting them from paying their fair share...
And please don't use the argument that the rich pay a whole lot of dollars in taxes. The don't pay anywhere near the percentage of the average worker, the worker who after adding federal, state, county, city taxes is pushing 50% of their income to governments. Do you think Warren Buffet pays half his money? Of course not.


Anonymous said...

"too distressed to remain rigid."

Bet that isn't the first time you've said or written that.


Spider Borland said...

That makes a good visual comparison: That Rammstein concert is between the Sui and Tang Dynasty's.

Dollars: Have you tried ironing and starching old dollars?

Ralph Henry said...

Heck, I've even thought about putting a wooden dowel in each one, but am waiting to see if the easiest solution works.

Spider Borland said...

That Black fellow holding the sign was apparently photoshopped:


Ralph Henry said...

I would like to apologize to my loyal following, but in my defense...I THOUGHT EVERYONE WOULD KNOW IT WAS A JOKE!
I think my mistake was putting it in NEWSY BITS.
I will try not to make that mistake again.

mike harris said...

10% of the population pay 80% of all taxes. You can't change inequality. Every time socialism has been attempted it has ended in mass murder and fascistic authoritarianism. America's current love affair with socialism is insane and ahistorical.

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