About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


One Of My Very Own…


Earthquake in Pakistan yesterday.

 That has got to be terrifying.

Another gem from Alabama's USAToday state blurb.
Yes, Footwash festival. Foot. Wash.
I looked it up and here are some of the things I learned.


And here are my picks and points this week in case you want to play along. I lost 20 points last week and won the pool.
My picks are on the far left.

Yes, guys do things like this for other guys...
 If you don't get it, ask your husband.


I feel bad for my Roomba, so every other day I vacuum while it sits on the couch watching TV and drinking beer.




This is what the car barrier looks like at the Estonian Concert Hall.


I had noticed that a new guy at the bar was having no trouble picking up women. I asked him his secret and he told me to listen carefully. He then walked down the bar with his phone to his ear and stopped next to a beautiful woman and said into the phone, “Hey, no. I don’t care what happened, man. You need to understand that there’s no such thing as too many shoes. You need to apologize to her.”


I saw a documentary on this device. It stated that it was so well-balanced that it only took a very small motor to turn it.


A guy told me he was moving to India. 
I said, “Holy cow!”

A driveway paved with manhole covers salvaged from a scrapyard.
 That's fucking gorgeous!

Just another reason I'm going to hell.


Ferrofluid and soap


Men don’t cry. We water our beards.



Now that there are no phone booths anymore Superman just changes in abandoned Blockbusters.

Wait for it...

I have a friend who once played rugby. This is his hero; Sebastien Chabal.

That, Gentle Reader, is one bad ass sumbitch.

Speaking of...


Lately I've been really honest with people and so far only 47 people are mad at me


Beheading, if somewhat gruesome, can be one of the quickest and least painful ways to die – so long as the executioner is skilled, his blade sharp, and the condemned sits still. Quick it may be, but consciousness is nevertheless believed to continue after the spinal cord is severed. A study in rats in 1991 found that it takes 2.7 seconds for the brain to consume the oxygen from the blood in the head; the equivalent figure for humans has been calculated at 7 seconds.
Can you imagine your head down in the basket looking up at your severed neck squirting blood and KNOWING you were fucked?
Just something else to worry about.

More proof that everyone is ignoring...


In America, someone is shot every 15 seconds. How is that person still alive?

Get it?
 3-D printer.

The Netherlands, of course...


Halloween, the one day of the year you can’t make fun of people at Walmart.

That brings up an interesting question - Would you want to be told if you have a terminal disease? 
I most certainly would want to know...to have time to write a goodbye post to you good people.
HAHAHHA!  Shit, I would know every drug dealer's name within 20 miles within the first 24 hours. One of them would say something like, "Don't take all of these in one day or it will kill you," and I would have a hardy laugh.

Who doesn't like pranksters?


They don't seem to abduct humans like they used to; looks like we are not the only planet with government science-funding budget cuts. Sad.

I might add that it is OUR science funding that has reduced such nuttiness.



Mandy Patinkin on the Princess Bride's most favorite line...
Here's his favorite line...
Sensitive man.

From Russia...

 The chances that the rich will hoard the wealth — 100%.

I have observed this same thing...

Bathroom sign...

Real headline for a real object...
I mean, DAYUM!

Taking matters into your own hands...literally...


Thelonious Monk...the greatest name EVER.


A good way to help you determine who to weed out of your life is by how someone pronounces "ennui".


Photographer's instructions #465...
"Now give me your 'Come hither' look."


911: What's your emergency

911: You sure they aren't just playing?
Possum: Oh yeah.

Public art somewhere...

This is rather difficult to read...
Now think about the effect Mexicans will have on our elections. I'm not saying that is a bad thing...I'm just saying a change is a comin'.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Edward Snowdenhands.

I want a sex change. 
From "none" to "some".

Climate Change didn't even make the chart.

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