About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

I've been preaching this since they raised their ugly heads.

ISIS hates the name they first called themselves because it sound too much like one of their vulgar words. What better reason to use that name? The Secretary of State used that name several times, but has now abandoned it. I don't know why.

I posted this weeks ago...before Paris.

"Why don't they just stay home and fix things?" I've heard over and over.
This is their home.

Then the other night someone sets off firecrackers at a vigil...

 What kind of prick would do such a thing?

Was sent this by a loyal viewer. He wanted to know what was up with the guy on the far right.

 I wrote back with, "Can I shoot the photographer, Sarge? Can I? Can I?"


Now just a reminder...
I'm not sure anybody hates anybody else more than the Irish hate the English, yet they managed to stop the violence.

Not my words, but my sentiment:
"If the crimes of the Paris attackers can be leveraged into military attacks on middle-eastern states with high collateral damage; invasive domestic surveillance and racial profiling and harassment by police; as well as the legitimization of Islamaphobia at large, then the terrorists will have achieved their goals. There's only one way to fight terrorism: to refuse to be terrorized."

 Another player has entered the game.
 The hacker collective Anonymous released a video message on YouTube declaring war on the Islamic State in the wake of Friday's bloody terror attacks in Paris.

The video, posted in French, announces the beginning of #OpParis, a coordinated campaign to neutralize ISIS's social media channels.
“Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down,” an (anonymous) Anonymous spokesperson, his face shrouded in the group's signature Guy Fawkes mask, says in French. “Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared.”
It took about 3 hours to take around 1800 pro ISIS accounts down, more to come. 

“Tossed but not sunk”, Paris


1906 San Francisco Earthquake

I've seen enough porn movies to know where this is going...


Listerine more or less invented bad breath. Seriously, nobody really gave it a second thought until the company bombarded us with commercials telling us we should worry about it. Now we worry about something that was never much of a problem, and, of course, buy their product.


No, art is not the answer. Art is the response.


Delightful patterns are everywhere, if you just train yourself to look.

Music as murals...what a wonderful idea.

When you see a seductress staring at you with that 'come hither' look, think of this. I do....as you should know by now.

Peter, Peter, Peter, who the fuck are you to tell photographers what should or should not be their responsibility?
He simply doesn't understand the fundamental premise of art...that being there are no rules.

The joy of 3D printing.
If I were younger, I would learn how to do that; only I would include a dollar bill.

Why is this not a thing now?


Andrew Dahl Set a Guinness World Record in 2013 by Inflating 27 Balloons With His Nose in Three Minutes.


Fountain at the Cincinnati Public Library


Canada's new badass Minister of National Defense, Lt. Col. Harjit Sajjan. 
3 tours of Afghanistan, 1 of Bosnia, first Sikh to command a Canadian Regiment and a detective in the Gang Crime Unit of the Vancouver Police Department. 

Well, technically, that's the way every country was made.

Nice recovery.


NASA confirms, the EM Drive works! This could make travel between planets a weeks versus months/years proposition.

I need some help. Let's suppose you get up to a million miles and hour, and then you get to where you were going. Wouldn't you have to start slowing down about half way through your journey so you don't whiz right by your destination?

How did she do that?
But don't her wig fit nice.


Nuclear weapons transport gets rear ended...
As an ex-nuke guy, I can tell you that they immediately got on the radio and declared a Broken Arrow, which is the designation for any incident involving a nuclear weapon. I almost caused one...as a joke!


Said to be the world’s last commercial sailing ship, The Pamir, rounding Cape Horn for the last time in 1949


We should start broadcasting the movie Independence Day into space with “based on a true story” at the beginning so aliens don’t start any shit.

I watched the whole clip.
I think the trick is that the two pair of legs swing as pendulums, which I would assume if very energy efficient.


Those things are deep! Could that be to scale?


“The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot live in a cradle forever.”
—Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is pro-space exploration.

And relatively speaking, we just started looking.

But if there are intergalactic travelers have non-believers back on their home planet?

What a fascinating declaration...it gave me several moments of pause.
But, of course, I think EVERYTHING a person can think of is our business.


I read the news today, oh boy.


Just because I’m a pervert doesn’t mean I’m a bad person.


"Traffic Jamming," by photographer Jean Counet


My wife has the paper towel usage of a much wealthier woman.

She paints them very large, but I can't help think, after all is said and done, all you have is a picture of a bird.


Unless the owner of this arm is an artist, the chances that she designed this is near zero.
More than likely, it was created by the artistry of the tattooist.
Now they have a relatively cheap self tattoo machine.
That means anybody can permanently etch anything onto their flesh.
And to an artist like me, that is very, very scary. 


Remember, girls, your mouth can’t get pregnant.



I need somebody to explain this to me. I just don't get it.
I remember years ago I posted about an effort to plant those things in swamps. They are very beneficial, but it is almost impossible for crews to get in there to do the planting. They experimented with a cone shape seed and fertilizer that could be dropped by plane and it was so weighted that the pointed end would embed itself in the soil.


Speed camera fail
Guy had his car towed then got a ticket in the mail.

My wife once said to me, "Baby, I want to tolerate you so hard."



I’m not saying my wife is fat, but her spirit animal is fried chicken.



Anonymous said...

cartoon explanation:
two can play...
the birds are toucans

great post today!

Anonymous said...

Are you just F-ing with us on not understanding?

Ralph Henry said...


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