About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


Is this really the best the richest country in the world can do? I don’t think so.


Your 12 year free trial has expired. To continue your education please submit your credit card info.

China may be in real trouble.

What the tabloids have to say…

Equally plausible…




I think we should elect Bernie. When Isis hears a Jew is president they will all have heart attacks and die.

Loyal viewer, Reon, makes this suggestion about the huge philips head screws on the deck of that ship:
"Pure speculation on my part but I think those screw looking things are mounting cavities you can hook tie-down straps into in order to secure choppers to the deck. It's a supply ship and they only appear in the area demarcated for chopper landing. I could be completely wrong in which case it might be grooves the deprived seamen can rub their dicks in."
And that last sentence is why I like the guy so much.


The average human body contains so much blood.

This seems so silly...
But that is, more or less, what the government did with deadly pathogens. As I understand it, they sent LIVE instead of DEAD microbes to other labs.  

If you nodded your head over the wisdom of that tidbit, you have no idea how blessed us white people are. Just our demonstrated preference in hiring and housing is enough, but within limits, black people have been fucked at every turn.
That is changing now...I think. All the young people I know just don't give a shit about your skin color, country of origin, sexual preference, etc. I hold out hope for the future in that one fact. 
But, of course, that doesn't mean I can't make fun of them just like I do everybody else. 

What a guy.
Jules Verne tombstone



After my divorce I gave up on that 'dream girl' shit and settled on if she has no outstanding warrants.

In 2004, a more legible typeface, Clearview, was approved to improve America's road signs.
But after a decade of use, U.S. Federal Highway Administration has decided to return to the old typeface, publicly available as Highway Gothic.

This is what a poor hunter looks like.

Kind humans sedated and sewed it up.

But was that a smart thing to do?

But we have seen with examples of toddlers falling into gorilla pits, and many more, that animals seem to sense that children are not dangerous.

Speaking of animals knowing stuff...

This monkey responds to be given a lower quality reward.


It's weird they report fantasy football during Sports Center. That's like the local news telling us how your SimCity is doing.

Grandpa taking a prize winning leek.
 Bless his heart.


Fencing proves that with enough rules even a sword fight can be boring as hell.

Meanwhile in Russia...


Kyrgyzstan is what happens when you've already named all the other countries and you have left over letters.

 This is said to be from Russian also, but I have no way of knowing.
The point, of course, is that these people KNOW where people are going to walk, yet they ignore it.
My campus at the University of South Carolina did it right. After a major remodeling or the central campus they didn't lay down sidewalks until the foot paths were laid out for a semester. And it was perfect. 


Maybe if I tilt my head to the side I can understand English.

 ~ dogs

This took me a moment or two...
It's a duck on a sunroof. 


My wife reads two books a week and I just told my bartender that an idiom is a group of idiots.

The word on the street.
 Yeah, right.


 So apparently you're supposed to change the lint filter in the dryer more than once a year. The firemen gave my wife a pamphlet.



 I really don't know enough about it to offer an opinion, but if whatever you are doing causes earthquakes, then stop...just fucking stop!

An old man gave his son a gift...a simple tie.

But it was not so simple.


Bruce Wayne was terrified of bats & he became Batman, so anyway that's why I became DentistMan.

I find it interesting that the vast majority of living human beings have absolutely no idea what a slide rule is or how to use it.


Heads up guys, if you ask your wife how to spell ménage à trois and she nails it on the first try, worry.

I have no idea what this means, but I really like odd stuff...


I just ate an entire bag of Werther's and now I'm 80 years old, own a floral couch, smoke Virginia Slims, got a perm and my name is Shirley.

I've been very fortunate.
I get much more positive feedback than I negative. I can only hope this is a good thing. 

Afghan Languages
And as I understand it, the borders of all those countries were just drawn on a map by the victors after WWI.
 They did it to curtail any one country from getting too powerful.

Maori...my new favorite group of people.


The fastest way to get your kids to shut up is to ask them a question you want answered.


I know I have posted this before, but bare with me. (No pun intended.)

Remember all times I have criticized "science" for being very poor in communicating with the general public?
Exhibit A:
 NASA posted this on the internet and thought it was a good thing.
Most times imagery like that is used, they know what people will think.

Most arachnophobes end up secretly being spiders themselves.

I read that a truck driver is allowed to put as many lights as they want on their trucks, but when they get in the inspection station, ALL light have to function.

Speaking of trucks and stuff, these are called Mecanum wheels.

When anyone asks me to do something, I just say "Generic excuse" and let them figure it out.

Young syrian father sees presumed dead son alive
 Notice that even the spectators are overwhelmed.

Another repost of an overpass is clears in the dead of night so as not to interrupt morning traffic.


I nicknamed my wife Umbrella cause I've left her in restaurants 5 times.

I do not know who this clever man is.


Can we talk about unrealistic depictions of food on menus?

Got a couple of minutes for this? I scored in the 5%...how about you?


Ninja Grrrl said...

I saw the story about the US Marshalls showing up to collect $1500 of 30-year-old debt, armed to the teeth. If that man had his cell phone in his hand and moved wrong, he would be dead. DEAD. I don't even know what to say. If revolution comes, I figure I'll die early on. But I'd die fighting. This is not my country anymore.

Unknown said...

The man on the piano is Carlos Núñez Cortés, from an Argentine comedy-musical group called Les Luthiers and they are great musicians and incredible funny as well.

Here you have a sample:


Don't forget to enable the subs!

Thanks for your great blog.

Fardygardy said...

I truly love your blog, but you have fallen into the woe-is-me college loan trap. A little math shows she probably has a 6.5% interest loan. If she was truly paying faithfully, then she was paying a steady $113/ month on her loan. (Such a loan would yield her situation at 23 years, assuming she made regular and same value monthly payments.) Anyone with a brain knows if you pay that little, the principle goes up every month because she isn't even paying the interest. If she had paid $297/month, her debt would have been zero at 10 years. The problem is, for 23 (Twenty-three!!!) years she didn't want to make that payment. Imagine if you bought a new car with a $26,400 loan (not entirely unreasonable now a days) and only sent the bank $113 each month.... They'd repossess it in month 6.

The problem with student loans is that people saw them as "sorta free" and not like real debt. And the easy availability caused people to go to college who may have done otherwise, and got degrees worth no money, and fed the college accounts so they added unnecessary costs... Why should you and I pay for their stupidity?

I hope she didn't get a business degree or engineering/math degree!!!

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