About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


Okay, I'm rather embarrassed that it screwed up the 2+2x2 posting the other day. Interesting, I asked all my young friends at my bar and they all knew the correct answer. That tells me there is hope for the future.

Germany vs Ukraine...what a game!

Then mighty Brazil fell to Peru with a missed handball call.

The trouble broke out earlier today between English, Russian football fans.

That reminded me of this lady. She not only throws a whole table, but then catches a thrown chair!

But, of course, everyone has an opinion...


I concur.


Thought you couldn't hate this guy any more than you do...

I knew a girl in college who was raped by a stranger who forced himself into her apartment. She played it cool, acted like she was enjoying it and invited him back the next day for another go. He came back on schedule and was promptly arrested.

Then there's this guy...

We all do that, don't we.

Trump at rally: I’ll take questions now.
Reporter: How will you fix California’s drought?
Trump: More water.
Crowd: *cheers wildly* 


You have to admire zealotry. And if you think the bible is poorly written, you ought to try and read the Koran.

Thought you would also like this shipping container to tiny cabin conversion.

I like the way it keeps the hot sun off the roof, and everybody needs porch space.

T cells nuking cancer cells.

I will repeat, you need a god? Thank all those little bastards for doing their fucking job.

Frequency of Lightning Strikes Throughout the World.

And for the Perfect Female Foot Award, I offer...

I must remind you that feet like that are the reason I love flip flops.

NASA found a possible link that could explain what we think is dark matter. It seems likely, that dark matter could actually be very small black holes (much smaller than atoms) that might have been created within the first few seconds after the Big Bang. This would change our understanding of a lot of stuff in astrophysics and might explain the Hubble constant and that the universe is actually not really expanding as we thought it would.

If you would like to read the NASA news release:


I find GoT dialogue interesting when someone says, "I swear by the new gods and the old."
When the god of Abraham goes down in history, I do not think history will be kind. Killing off all humans but his favorite family will be bad enough, but then Jesus comes along and asked us to engage in symbolic cannibalism...I'm sorry, but that's one of the weirdest things any god has asked his followers to believe.

Don't be stupid.

Speaking of GoT...

I watched a rather long film on making these and they looked great! You thick slice an onion then cut sliced mozzarella cheese so that it fits in the space between two alternate rings.

Then you batter it and cook it just like normal onion rings.

Aerial view of Tokyo, the largest city in the world with 38 million inhabitants.

Probably the worst thing about getting taken down by a pack of Hyenas would be hearing them giggle while they eat you. 

Holocaust Memorial Berlin

There is a museum underneath where the monoliths come through the ceiling, looming over the visitors. But do you think they are cool with people standing on them?

This door drives the neighbors nuts...

Here's a retake on that billboard a posted the other day...

Thank god there are still funny people out there.

The crack in the sign makes it look like a pole dancer...

WIFE: I can't believe you ruined my birthday yesterday.
ME: What a crock of shit, Debbie. I didn't even know it was your birthday. 

More fun with high explosives...

So, I'm guessing it's to make the drainage ditch in the median.

Normally, I imagine, it is just scrapped out, but maybe explosives are used if you have rock.

They say kill 'em with kindness but it's much quicker if you just lose their phone charger on purpose.


She'll....keep an eye out for you.

Let's try to get banned in Russia again.

Here is a rare picture of Putin slowly absorbing the life force of an innocent child.


Remember, it has never been about what you have, it's about how you feel about what you have.

Newlyweds cutting cake. Take a moment, please, to guess what is going to happen. You better dig deep on this one...

And here's the second one; the kid on the slide. What does he do next?

Here are the correct answers:

Pretty hard to see this one coming.

Love that look on his face. That's my boy!

Not sure if offensive or spot on cosplay.

Eastern Europe - 1989:
"If we leave the Soviet Union, we might have to get visas to visit Siberia and turnips will be more expensive."

Said to be true...

"We don't even steal for a living."
And only a few years ago, this happened.

I don't know all that much about that, but that was an awesome quote about not stealing anymore.

Joanna Palani, daughter of Peshmerga fighters, joined YPG and Peshmerga to fight against ISIS in Syria.

I've posted several things about these Kurdish fighters. I admire them. My daughter spent months with them and they didn't kill her so...

Another GoT...

She can't seem to break character.



And the American people yawn. We deserve Trump.


I was privileged to know several several WWII vets. One is still alive.


"The Pool of Death" Kauai, Hawaii

ME: Great! [forgot name] How do you spell your name?

American voters...

You did notice that was a robot camera...

An old war bunker.

Notice how the windows are "stepped" in so that a bullet won't ricochet into the hole. I've actually been in some of those...trespassing, of course.

These Irish Sisters Used To Be Brothers.

Those zany Irish.

Prince Rupert drop vs. hydraulic press.

So you think they replaced the bottom plate with lead?

Just a reminder of the winter left behind...

Nobody I know would do such a thing...not anymore.

When he tried to smell Dave Grohl's hair, and then it gets uncomfortable.

Why don't they remake bad movies and make them better, instead of remaking good movies and making them bad? 

A repost with added bits...

The 7000 Rivers that Feed into the Mississippi River.

Nothing's labeled clearly, I was promised tea & never got any, the criminal justice system is barbaric.
~ Alice's Yelp review of Wonderland



David said...

I'd love to hear your take on why you love women's feet. I too am an admirer of the female foot and it's not particularly all sexual. Excelsior!

Ralph Henry said...

Well, to be honest I love just about every part of a woman, but as of late, the feet are almost always exposed and they don't get mad if you stare at them.

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