About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 28, 2017

FRIDAY being old #3050

One Of My Very Own...

I welcome all my new American viewers. I hope I don't disappoint you.




In Solleftea, Sweden, the childbirth stations for refugees were closed for lack of funding. There are now courses for childbirth in the car. 



 One of my most favorite bartenders.
Sweet, beautiful, highly intelligent, finishing her degree in International Healthcare and wants to work on pandemics and such.


Made a bet on whether a soccer player would be taken off the pitch on stretcher. He was. I lost. I tried to make a bet on how many fans at the Man U., Man City game would be hospitalized, but we weren't sure how to verify it.

Always trust the fat survivalist.







"It was just a prank," he said, sobbing into the coffin.

Dancer accidentally pisses on bystander in Vegas.


Happy National Siblings Day to my closest compatible organ donor.


"I'm handsgendered. Plz no bully."
 Oh, shit.




 I think that homeopathy is to medicine what flat Earthers are to cosmology.











My favorite way to celebrate National Wine Day is with a 12 pack of beer.


I've found a new image site that is much more provocative than others. I visited many old posts there and most of this post of mine is stolen from that marvelous site.
They raise money by selling T-shirts.

"I read the news today, oh boy."

Sideways toaster makes grill cheese, too.


When helium is cooled to below its boiling point of -269 degrees Celsius (–452 degrees Fahrenheit) it develops into a Superfluid (a liquid that flows without friction) and acquires some quite strange properties, not seen in any other fluids known to exist at this time. These include:

1. Ability to climb over the sides of its container. 
2. Precipitate through molecule-thin cracks.
3. Remain motionless in its contain when spun.

Videos explaining and demonstrating this incredible reaction:

I didn't really learn about this today...
 But I was reminded of our roadtrips when we would just stop and look as such scenes for a long time. And not just to take a picture, but to let your mind try to deal with the millions of years such a landscape takes to form.

I had a goldfish that could break dance on the carpet...but only for like 20 seconds...and only once.


Whenever you see something like this, the first thing you probably think is 'cute.'
But those people once had a life. They did things you never thought of doing. When she looks at that architectural detail, she thinks of that time time in Rome.
Once she allows herself to open her mind to past exploits, the images start pouring out.

Yeah, you didn't invent this shit.

Think of this image the next time you see an old woman on a walker.

 And that's why you often see an old woman sitting alone on a park bench smiling...remembering that wild life shit she did over and over and over.

Just remember what I said about old people and the memories they have; memories that seem like yesterday.

Now go back and look at the photo of them young and just try to imagine the exploits they had.


The first time I saw a vagina it was like meeting a celebrity. I said, "Oh, my god, I've seen all your movies!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even without sound, you can still hear the music when the old couple danced. Great blog today Ralph!

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