About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Spirit in the Sky

Alternative Fart?

Disarmed second bomb from Russian metro
That thing looks nasty.


For reason I don't understand some comments arrive in my inbox like this and when I click the only publish button there is, only the top comment is posted.
That is interesting reading if you have the time.
Trump just signed a bill making it a felony to draw on ridiculous eyebrows...unless you are a mime or a drag queen.

Serbia recently had an election, which is corrupt. Dead people voted and so did non citizens of Serbia. After the election work places were forced to register for who their workers voted for, if it wasn't the president they didn't get to work. Therefore people are protesting, which the state owned media doesn't want the world to see. Therefore banning the media.

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:
North Korea

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:
North Korea

Do you think Tarzan was a virgin before he met Jane or was there some gorilla hanky-panky going on?


Found a gem of a 2012 movie - The Beaver.
It had a stelar cast.

And this lady that I don't remember her name.

This guy has watched ever Matrix movie several times...
Any idea why he stopped the fight?

And he was not immediately fired.
But you have to admit, that's pretty goddamn creative.


Nothing saves money like being antisocial.


Anarchy at its finest moment






"I challenge you to a duel!"
"Very well. The weapon?"
"A capital choice."
"Thank you...oh, I see you've dueled before."


Remember what I told you about sitting on the toilet too long? Well, this guy didn't listen.

Now that I saw this, you guys will have to see it too.
I bet she has a great personality.


I watched a documentary about this.

They had a problem with the last piece; a wedge that would stabilize the whole structure.
The morning sun had heated one side more than the other so that it was slightly higher. They solved it by running cold water over the surface, but not before numerous worker jumped from one side of the gap to the other. It made me very queazy. 




Never let the truth interfere with a good story.

(although Putin has probably banned FO after yesterday's post)

The Russia You’ll Never See On Postcards Through The Lens Of Photographer Alexander Petrosyan

I wish I were a little kid so I could take a long nap and everyone would just be proud of me.


I'm going to suggest this to my bar manager.



Watch carefully.
I've worked with resin before in making sculptures, but with less success.

The secondary explosions are very telling.
Probably a munitions storage facility.
I put that in with other good ideas because just a few years ago we would have had to level nine city block just to get that building.


I used to think that a hangover was when you hung out with friends all night.


Educational Attainment in America

Go to New York, click off all but graduate degrees. Then click that off and look at less than high school. 


Douglas Adams himself admitted that he just picked a number off the top of his head. 

Dave Chappelle

"I'm from a different time, a dark time...I didn't even use to know who was on the phone until I answered the shit....(talks about being in class and watching the Challenger Shuttle explode on TV)...it was so bad, the teacher looked at all the kids and was like, "you can go home" ...my point is, a guy your age wouldn't know the pain because with your generation, it's like the Space Shuttle blows up every fucking day. HOW CAN YOU CARE ABOUT ANYTHING, WHEN YOU KNOW EVERY GODDAMN THING.... You can't keep track of all this shit so you just give the fuck up. Thats the hallmark of your generation."


Researchers who performed this facial reconstruction on this 13th-century man—dubbed “Context 958"— one of approximately 400 complete burials found and excavated beneath the Old Divinity School of St. John’s College in Cambridge, England, between 2010 and 2012. Back during the medieval era, this spot was home to the Hospital of St. John, a charitable institution set up to care for the poor and sick in the community. For centuries, the dead were buried in a cemetery right out back.

Here's to all the people who remain unharmed because I have beer and a sense of humor.


I think the battle will be won when they develop affordable, reliable home wind and solar equipment.


Anonymous said...

Gorilla hanky panky...does that make Tarzan Trans species? Seems this is getting a little out of hand to me, but I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the Anarchists fixing potholes are in South Carolina?

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