About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

O Sole Mio

This is the place.
"Chechnyan officials have opened the first concentration camp designed to hold homosexuals since the Nazi camps were shut down during the second World War." 
"Campaigners against the human rights violation have said that prisoners are being subjected to electric shock torture, and repeated beatings designed to make them reveal other members of the LGBT community in the area; these beatings are sometimes fatal. Last week, members of the local community in Chechnya claim that over 100 LGBT people were detained, and 3 killed, many of which are believed to be held in these facilities." 
"The order to create these camps has allegedly come down from President Razman Kadyrov (in the first picture, he is the super-villain-looking mother fucker on the right). The situation for LGBT persons in Chechnya is critical, as many can be killed not only by neighbors, but even friends and family for "staining the family honor", but I've seen little-to-no outcry on news outlets in the US. Thus...this is here to spread as much awareness as possible." 

Remember when I told you it doesn't matter what you call people with...."conditions" because rather soon that new word would be turned into the same type insult? Well, in some circles the term "special" has moved into disfavor because it is used as an insult.

This nice lady got fired for this incident. Bummer, that.


What the hell is wrong with Barcelona?

You call that lazy? Hell I once went to a potluck supper and took a bowl half full of the french fries I found between my car seat.


Must have been from a long dead brick factory worker.

Dude better go cure cancer or some shit.

It's an art installation.
Something about our isolation.

Or so I'm told.
Or do they turn opaque when dry?

"Longest" So what?

Childhood without the Internet

My bartender's father sent her a pic of a snake he found on his dock. It was so unusual that I looked it up on Google but could only find these two images that were even close.

Finally I had her email me the photo.
Have any of you people ever seen a snake shaped like that?

That's me when I almost spill a beer.

I have the confidence of twelve morons.


When even Buddhists don't like you - you know you've fucked up.
Fun fact: Myanmar buddhists are low-key genociding their Muslim minority.



Singular they, or the use of the pronoun they to refer to one person, has been around for centuries. Both Chaucer and Shakespeare used it. It’s in the King James Bible. But since the early days of English grammar textbooks in the 19th century, it has been considered a mistake. For over 100 years, students have been urged to re-write sentences like “Everyone has their own ideas” with a singular pronoun: “Everyone has his own ideas.”


WHAT I SAID: Woah! You look like Tina Turner on meth. 
WHAT I SHOULD'VE SAID: Good Morning Honey.


Not likely.
Snack before dinner.


They wait for their names to be called.
My father knew a guy who raised hunting dogs. They would sit and wait for their name before eating from a large communal eating bowl, then stop eating when their name is called again.
After he had died while taking a roast out of the oven, he wasn't found for almost a week. His dogs were just sitting around waiting to eat and never took a bite from the roast or the man.

Notice there is no junk food.



I once had a guy try to bet their glass eye at my poker game.


How many cities has the same name

Oh the engineering this must have taken...

Anybody know what the hell is going on here?

Shopping in Japan, and hopefully near me soon!



Oh holy shit, vaccinations also cause Lyme disease!


Studies show that if you begin a sentence with "studies show," the internet will believe you.


Yesterday I waited 27 minutes for a train in my city...the capital of my state. 
The train blocked almost every main artery downtown. It had three locomotives - One in the front, one at the end and one in the middle. 
Compounding the delay, it stopped for five of those 27 minutes.
I just wonder what EMT and fire vehicles do, or if I only had five minutes before happy hour ended.


I do not think that is a silly idea. I feel confident that would have been my choice in the last election.


"When a ship called the General Grant wrecked near New Zealand in 1866, killing nearly 70 people, including children. There were just 15 survivors, and five of them died on the desert island where they'd found shelter before rescuers arrived 17 months later.
In an attempt to stop similar tragedies, toward the end of the 19th century the New Zealand government installed depots on islands that shipwreck survivors were likely to come across."

Eastern Europeans drink A LOT of vodka...
I guess that's one way to solve your problems.

This is a repost which predates Folio Olio itself. Still awesome though.
Most primal problem solving.

Hey Disney-Pixar, here's an idea maybe make a movie where the daughter ACTUALLY LISTENS TO HER FATHER!


Amputee made his own prosthesis (not the kind I can walk on).
Do you offer those in Honey Baked as well?

Billy and "friend"...


Grapefruit juice tastes like orange juice that just found out it has to work on it's day off.


I know some of these will be too large to load for you, and for that I'm sorry. But I wanted to show you the vast overkill in ejecting the world's next multi-millionaire.

In a business when every seat in important, this is an utter disaster.

United does not want me on the jury.

United Public Relations Department showing up for work this morning...
And this is what they have been doing all day long...

And the internet went wild!
Other passengers: "We are Negan".

Attention United Airlines passengers, meet your new flight attendant, Lucille. 

Rare picture of the United Airlines Seating Team at work. 

Then at the United Medical Clinic

New United recruiting tapes...

1 comment:

The Boy said...

An aside About that Dutch prime minister being eaten: the British stuck Cromwells head on a spike after they killed me and let it stay there on display for quite a few years (10-15 I do believe)

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