About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Wouldn't be the first time someone's spilled seed ruined their day.

My wife decided that tonight we would fend for ourselves for supper. I ate 14 olives, six Slim Jim's and two Snickers. She had cheese and fruit.


I didn't know most of these beaches even existed.





And even green.

And pebbles.
All I could think of is that one rock which is trying desperately to get up her butt.

I had no idea they could swallow that fast.
Or was it a case of it regurgitating it so that it could defend itself, then they reversed the film?
Remember I showed you a rather fast regurgitating a while back.

I get it, except for the pelvis.

Fuck you. I'll just take my shells and go home.

This is a touch sensitive plant called "Mimosa Pudica" and you can grow this little fellow at home. We had those all around my house growing up.
It was almost impossible to pass one without touching it.

I give it my vote for most awesome organism on the planet.

"It looks like Santa lost his temper again."
 - What I said to my children when we saw a dead deer on the side of the road.


If you propose at somebody's wedding, they ought to be able to go into labor at your baby shower and die at your funeral.

What a guy.

Not a terrorist.
Looks like the driver of the parked truck got the worst of that deal. Do you think that was a case of the grain dust exploding like that grain silo collapse?

You young people have no idea how much sex I had in drive-ins.

Look at their expressions.
 I would go insane in about an hour. 
Are those women actually wrapping the chocolate BY HAND?!

US Army Captain Femi Opesanmi surprises his mom after a year serving abroad.
He gives his mom a traditional Nigerian greeting by lying at her feet in a position similar to a push up.
I will repeat, anyone who serves and gets honorably discharged from the armed services of the United States should be given citizenship papers at discharge.

There will always be people who want to tell other people how to live.

Case No. 2

From the National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, TN.  Just a reminder of how far we've come.
Each and every one of us were taught things growing up that we are not proud of...racism, sexism, religion. The important thing is to change not only yourself, but how you teach your children.

Theodore Roosevelt with John Muir at Glacier Point at Yosemite National Park in 1906.
If you don't know about John Muir you ought to look him up. Quite a guy.

I want to change my name to Imgonna, then when somebody asks me why I haven't done something they will have to begin the questions with Imgonna.


I wonder if he's looking to see if she's recently been to a pebble beach.


Had the tables been turned.


I think he's soon going to get a good look at the Captain's log.

Someone has a literal case of the Mondays.
And he looks exactly like you would expect he should look.


Shout out to people wondering what the opposite of in is.


I find that extraordinary.

Am I anal fixated?




When I sleep with stuffed animals I make sure their heads are above the blanket so they can breathe.


Oh, no, not another asshole gag. I swear they just washed ashore in my in box on the same day.

Try to tell me that doesn't look like a squirrel having an orgasm.

Funny how a little flame will cool down his perversion.

Little my ass!


I think I may have posted this guy before.
First he finds a wall that has been graced with a beautiful fat letter design.

Then through hours and hours of effort...

He ruins the whole wall.
I wonder if he asked for permission.

You know that feeling when you finely get to work and it's not on fire?


We both do, darlin'.

The clean water thing would happen because the trucks are needed to bring in the chemicals.


You've really gotta hand it to short people.


Added another new daily section.



Anonymous said...

Those women are UN wrapping Wonka bars.

Ralph Henry said...


Fardygardy said...

A more interesting discussion from the candy bar photo is this... if they were wrapping, then I find our reaction to the manual labor interesting. This is the same situation we face today: every time we increase minimum wage, some amount of labor is suddenly economically justified to be replaced with automation. At some point we can't believe it was originally done by hand. But now, we scream that people will lose jobs from the automation. Like all these women.

Ralph Henry said...

I will remind you of the futurist who flat out stated that ANYTHING done with human hands WILL soon be done by robots. I just pray art is exempt.

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