About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Remember the angry woman shooting the double bird into the historic reenactor's face? Well, he wasn't a mere reenactor.

American woman wins NYC Marathon for 1st time in 40 years - "Fuck Yes!"


America is the finest country anyone ever stole.



I'm tired of shit not killing me and only making me stronger.



There are people among us who think this will one day be a reality.
These people scare the shit out of me.

Want to have some fun? Ask a believer to describe exactly what hell will be like.

Well, that solves that problem.

The logical conclusion to all this lunacy.



What a lethal dose of fentanyl looks like next to a penny.
I really don't know what that is, but it must be bad.

My friend David had is ID stolen. Now we just call him Dav.

The internet in one macro.


You're welcome.

So perfectly executed and no one gave a shit.

245 people bungee jump off a bridge together.

Mongolian girl
Those guys got real good at accurately shooting arrows from a gallop.

Hit by avalanche in Everest base camp
Did you notice the solar panel beside that tent? I assume for electronics.

I think that girl climbing to the guy's hammock is in for some sexy time.

He's very Acrofatic

A man who enjoys his job.




An assassin in really just a serial killer who takes requests.



Elusive "Green Flash" at sunset, Carimar Beach Club, Meads Bays Beach, Anguilla
You can see the green on the left and right just before it goes out of sight. I never knew that.


It's a miracle! It's a GODDAMN MIRACLE!!

Apple snail laying eggs - 4x speed

Something that looks similar but ain't...
I'm assuming those are cultured pearls. A small plastic bead is imbedded inside and left to attract layer after layer of pearl stuff.

Face shields in Olympics.

Finally, undeniable proof...

Storm Ophelia in Ireland gathered all the apples of this orchard destined for cider into the corner of the field and left this lovely setting.



Sheepnado - The Movie

ISIS porn?

New iPhone release?

It's interesting that once the first few turn to the right, the rest of them think "Shit, now I gotta go right."



In the game Connect Four the first player can always win.
(Or so I'm told)

I didn't get this one either.


Lucky person No. 1
The curse of day drinking.

Of course we are. Go back and look at the gif of the sheep again.


Lucky person No. 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOMVO is epic today!!

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