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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



If there was any doubt about it, this has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

That reads like the new handbook of modern politics. 


In my city, to clear the lines, the open fire hydrants and they spew out into the road. Thankfully they do this around the season that yellow pine pollen covers every car. So we drive through the spray several times ever time we find one.

What fun.

Well done, young men.

This looks like fun.
And I love what they are doing to the walls. So festive. You know what you call that? Instant reduction in property value.

What does that even mean?




You're so vein...
Look at his little pee-pee.

 "I'm disguising all my quotes as Marilyn Monroe quotes from now on."
- Marilyn Monroe



Key broke off? Try this.
You can get it out far enough to grab it with pliers.

Note hair.

This cemetery fire looks like a horror movie's climax.

I have never in my life heard or read the phrase "cemetery fire" before today.

That is EXACTLY what's happening in higher education!
A nation's greatest asset is its people and the people's greatest asset is its health. You do the math.

Life is too short to give a shit what other people think of the music you like.



That's too dangerous to be allowed. Maybe some kind of special lensing.

No, this is not a WWI trench.

That's the front line in The Ukraine's struggle with the fucking Russians.
Graffiti stands for "putin pashli na hui" meaning "Putin - go fuck yourself".

The face of war.
That man has lived through things your nightmares are made of.

This lone Gurkha took out 30 Taliban using every weapon within reach.
Sergeant Dipprasad Pun, 31, of the 1st Battalion the Royal Gurkha Rifles holds his Conspicuous Gallantry Cross.
[ or so I'm told ]

At a restaurant my kids once wanted some of my scallops and I told them they were dolphin balls.




Look hooman, I made dis...

Let me show you...

It's all fun and games until you get your face ripped off.



How embarrassing...

Smoking pot can lead to...um...uh...I forget.



Got any idea what just happened?
Maybe he just got off soccer practice.

Talk about misreading the ball...

Friendly fire

How the hell does this happen?
Is that a video game?

Pay attention and follow who doing what.

Payback is hell.
Did he seriously not expect some sort of retaliation? He could have seriously injured someone in the crowd as well as the other racer.

Player 4 has entered the game...

They penalize for that now?

The moment you realize the last thing you were watching was some disgusting porn...









Anonymous said...

Excellent OOMVO today

Kranky Old Guy said...


Re: plutocracy - your definition of government by the rich. That's true when Democrats are in power too.

Here's a better word to describe what we have now:


noun, plural kakistocracies.
government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

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