About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


I wonder just what it would take for his backers to finally have enough.

Fair enough.


We couldn't do any worse.


Get it?
Let's try again...


Look how smug she looks.


Some more hiding places.

And my favorite...

It started out as a new hinge idea.

And the bigger it got, the more uses they found for it.

Vietnam Veterans Dog Tag Memorial In Chicago
Each of the 58,220 KIA American soldiers is represented and I think it is awe inspiringly provocative.

 The symbol of the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada is the forget-me-not.



Speaking of...
Everyone of those young men and women died for absolutely nothing. And that is not only foolish, it ought to be a crime.

I'm going to bet money that the driver is drunk. Every drunk knows about is increased chance of accident, but thinks "not me."
The same with texting and such. "I won't happen to me." Killer words.


And then...



I agreed to give up a child when I was 18 years old...for many reasons. And I have real mixed feelings about him contacting me. I know for a fact that if I were adopted, I would not want to track down my biological parents.

If you have the power to make young women dress to your whim, don't you think most men would at least try to abuse that power?

When I played Little League baseball, we all knew this.
There were exceptions, but mostly that was the formula. I was a third baseman, because I had no fear of the ball.

Our lack of infrastructure spending is going to jump up and bite us in the ass real soon. My city's water mains are 100 years old and they spend a fortune fixing them instead of replacing them.

A decapitated planarian flatworm grows a new brain complete with all its old memories.



Enceladus is the coolest moon in the whole Solar System.

Cassini probe observed these plumes.

And by flying through the plumes, managed to determine that the plumes contained sodium, potassium, acetylene, formaldehyde, methane, molecular nitrogen and more, all chemicals associated with life.

It most certainly has hydrothermal vents.

And so does Earth and they are teeming with life.
I'm rather curious how the religious community will react to the finding of life on another world. That discovery would, of course, prove that there is life on billions of other distant orbs.
I fear they will fall back on their tried and true response of "God works in mysterious ways." Pity the fool.

What a wonderful mutation.
Fucking headlights. The developed headlights!

Birth defect or mutation.
Same thing. If it helped it to survive it would have been the norm.

Okay, let's assume you fell through the ice.
What would be you first thought?

Well, after that there are steps to be taken.

Keep in mind that your body reacts violently.
 You slide across the ice until it gets thick enough to stand up. Then and only then do you shit yourself.

This was described as: Thick thatched roof of minka (house of the people) for 3 non-samurai castes of Japan.

I have no idea what that means, but this fucker is THICK.

And that is to provide insulation.

95% of all avocados on sale today are descended from one tree grown by a Milwaukee postman in 1926.











Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how lucrative that dice-stacking trick could be in a bar.

Ralph Henry said...

A man after my own heart. Are you my long lost child?

Anonymous said...

I’ll bet you $100 that they are, in fact, sluts.

Ralph Henry said...

That's my wife, sir, how dare you!

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