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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode  on Voyager recording.

At the "end" of the Voyager mission, having passed Uranus, there was a huge party at JPL and Mr. Berry was kind enough to attend.

I watched and highly recommend a Netflix documentary on Voyager. It, of course, took this image of the "tiny blue dot" that is earth.
Nobody, except Carl Sagan, wanted to take that picture, but Dr. Sagan insisted.
Voyager was referred to often as our planet's message in a bottle. 

SNL spoof of first alien contact yielded this.
How very, very wonderful.


In this cold (for us) weather, this has been happening all over the city. But why?

Things are looking up, with weather more suitable for human habitation.

But not in Australia.



Sadly, I don't know the artist.


I've had sex in a graveyard...twice.



Politicians are in the business of fucking with you.
That is the look of a woman who has been thoroughly brainwashed.
"Here eat my baby, most stable, genius leader."

Artists will fuck with you.
Swedish street artist, Carolina Falkholt, erects a giant pink penis in New York City

When the owner of the building began to paint over it, she said, "We live in cultures where sexual violence and sexual abuse are constantly happening. And there are a lot of raped and abused children who have lost their voices due to the shame that comes with having their own bodies violated at a young age. No more body shaming. Talking about these subjects in public space is a must for a healthy, nonviolent community/world. And the dialogue created around feminist public art pieces raises awareness. Art is one of the only places left where we can truly be free and discuss whatever difficult topics there are, since art has the ability to translate and transform language in any direction possible."

Even science will fuck with you.
At the University of Chicago in the early 1920s, psychology grad student William Blatz built a remote-controlled trick chair that would collapse when he pressed a switch. (It was padded to avoid injury.) Then he had subjects sit in the chair while wearing electrodes to measure heart rate and other vital signs. Blatz's goal was to "study the physiology of fear under controlled, repeatable conditions." I think he also probably just wanted to build a remote-controlled trick chair.

Religion will certainly fuck with you.

Gypsies will fuck with you.

Cold-hearted pickpockets rob elderly woman of her savings in audacious theft.

"Suspect two is an Eastern European man..." 

I think that's cop code for Gypsy.

Loved ones will fuck with you.
Probably payback for all the times she was on the receiving end.
Don't you just know they have had a great marriage.

Your children will fuck with their mothers.

Your pets will fuck with you.

Here we have two dumb shits fucking with a captive animal.
Shame on them.

Cops will fuck with you.

People on the internet will fuck with you.
I'm thinking that was a setup.

The weather fucks with all of us.

Porch thieves will fuck with you.
I just realized that almost every porch camera clip of people stealing packages have all been white people. What the fuck is that about?

I think it is indefensible that only one company makes the game Monopoly.




Some people say I'm vulgar. That's fucking bullshit.




I've always wondered what happened to all that Pornhub pizza that nobody ever eats.


From a movie I tried to watch.
He meant Pa, of course.

Clever man.

Once in Myrtle Beach in the 70s I got drunk one night and got kicked out of a bar on the boardwalk. Recently the wife and I took a day trip down there and went back to that bar and the moment my foot crossed the threshold a booming voice yelled, "Get the hell out of here, Ralph, and I'm not going to tell you again. Never did find out what I did, but I'm still proud of it.



That last Purple Prose was invented for your amusement.
(I just feel guilty when I out and out lie)


Oh, look, another machine just put the entire crew out of work.
Remember, any job that a human does with his hands will soon be done by a machine.
Write that shit down.


Let's take another look at this sorcery.

This girl is from Vermont and carries her own maple syrup in her bag. In a flask.
I found out that our breakfast place of choice charged $3 for two scrambled eggs, and $8 for a cheese omelet. So I brought my own cheese.

A fully-functional Rubik's Cube made of ice.
Gif wouldn't load, but I assure you it worked.


War memorials are a familiar sight in towns and villages across Britain, somberly remembering the sacrifices made by millions of ordinary young men in the First World War. But there are a handful of villages where, until recently, there were no war memorials. Do not be mistaken for these villages did their part in the war, sending their men to fight for their country shoulder to shoulder with others from every other village in the land. But by some extraordinary strokes of good fortune, none of these villages suffered a single casualty. All the men that went off to war from these villages returned back alive to their homes. This was such a statistical improbability that out of 16,000, there only 53 such villages in all of Britain. These villages are called Thankful Villages.

This looks incredibly dangerous.
They are filming a commercial. Still looks dangerous.

MNBT* = Might Not Be True









Anonymous said...

This site shares what I have found.

Anonymous said...

" Remember, any job that a human does with his hands will soon be done by a machine. Write that shit down"

I got a robot to write it down for me.

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