About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

SUNDAY #3377

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


This lady is not a left wing, stoner nutcase. Listen to her.

I knew that corporate prisons were dumping millions into campaign contributions, but this is a new wrinkle of which I was not aware.

Could I ask, with all respect, anyone who thinks that marijuana should remain illegal, please contact me and give me your rationale. I have never spoken to anyone who stated that they thought there was anything sane about the present drug policy and in the name of remaining balanced, I would love to hear the other side of the issue. Thank you.

One day it will be proven how much money he has accepted from corporations who directly profit from this insanity.


This is Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame. A French police officer. Yesterday he voluntarily took the place of a female hostage in a terror attack in Trebes, France.. It’s now been confirmed he has passed away from the injuries he sustained. 

I know the term hero is thrown around a lot, but when I first heard of this mans actions it’s what first came to mind. 
Arnaud is a hero.


Last week during the major White House shake-up, I told my wife that it reminded me of the movie Godfather, when Michael Corleone lets Tom Hagen go because he was not a wartime consigliere. And everyone knew he was preparing for war. That ought to scare the holy shit out of you.

According to the Chinese zodiac, it’s the year of the dog, or as we say in the west, “who’s a good year?!”





When you ugly but got that dick that makes girls come back to seconds.



The games people play...




A few more Antique Road Show spoofs...


The hero we need.
[verification needed]



This took me much too long to figure out.


Comparison of Titanic and modern cruise liner.





No clue.


How to become an absolute Canine God.




But look how he's doing it. The level is not on the road surface, but in the hole. Comments said that using that technique he could prove the Grand Canyon is only a few inches deep.


No, no, no.........no.





I wonder if he has a second job.


Man on right painted on his death mask, then decided not to kill himself.




Think American Health Care.


And the contractions look like it's chewing.






How come this is not on my travel hints?

Lesson #1







You heard it here first, folks.




A burden that must be borne.


The look on his face...
Knowing his expertise was being filmed.

When you unfollow someone it should pop up with a list of other idiots to unfollow.







You decide.




Stephen Hait said...

Murals you've likely seen. But maybe not all of them.

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks. Interestingly I'm going to use two of them to make a statement about how muralists never paint over another artist's mural without permission.

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