About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

I've been housebound with a cold so this blog is a little long.


Posing is good...

Imagine posing long enough for the sculptor to complete that.
I bet she got paid extra.

Me and my shadows...



Look carefully.

Average viewer driving by has about 3 seconds to take in a mural - unless they are on foot, of course. Most new muralists make it far too complicated to take in quickly.

I bet she never pays for her ice cream.

Yeah, it would be just my luck for my dog to get stung on his ballsack by a wasp and charges forward...

Crickets are really loud for something that gets eaten by literally everything.



Women have many opinions of men.

This doesn't fit in this section, but I had no other place to put it.

Photographer: "Just lay right down in the muck."
My wife: "Are you out of your mind?"



Why young men become motorcycle racers...

Everyone hates millennials until it’s time to convert a PDF into a Word document.



Black people don't go to jail...poor people go to jail.

If this happened to a couple of your uncles and your granddad, how long would it take you to "get over it?"

And these Freedom Riders were murdered with the AID of law enforcement.


Yeah, we all know he did it, but black folks finally found one of their own who could beat the system.

My wife's friend is running for governor. His opponent owns a lot of low-income housing and is being criticized for being a slum lord. But the option is for him to upgrade the property and raise the rent to levels his tenants can't afford.

ME: How much to rent a singing ensemble?
AGENT: You mean a choir?
ME: Fine, how much to acquire a singing ensemble?



His name is Vlad. Look him up.

I would bet money that they fight dogs.

What could he do while wearing earphones?

Can we assume he got hit in the balls?


Diminishing sidewalk.
Wait for it...

Kafka smiling

Whenever somebody says "It is what it is," I reply with "And it's not what it's not," so they'll realize just how stupid they are.





Numbers come up in random positions to prevent someone from guessing based on wear pattern.

The pulse of the gas thrusters on SpaceX's Falcon 9, as the rocket's boost stage guides itself back to Earth.

Peanut brittle, because you have a craving for peanut butter and ceramic tile.






Of course, you do, Sparky. You have a priest who likes to suck dick.



This section is proof of that.

Maybe print media wouldn't be dying if they still employed tough dirty children to yell at me to read all about it.



But on the internet, there is always a counterpoint.

Please don't be stupid on purpose.


This man did something.

This was what was occurring right behind him.
I'm not sure Americans have the guts to do that anymore.


From 1984 to today, mass killers have utilized 22 shotguns, 23 revolvers, 29 rifles, and 77 semiautomatic handguns.


I advocate a soccer rule change to make it like basketball where once midfield is crossed you can't go back.

Remember this? An alert viewer sent me this:

"I scanned the barcode and it takes you to https://en.m.wikipedia.org which displays the Today's Featured article.
Today's article was " The 70th Infantry Division of the British Army"
Why? I have no clue."












1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bud..regarding your OOMVO today.. đŸ˜¬

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