About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


One Of My Very Own





Some times I wish I liked to sweat and get my hands dirty so I could restore a gem like that. 

You make Art out of what you got.

Well, fuck you too, fork.


 “Blown Away” is a stunning series of sculptures by British artist Penny Hardy. Each sculpture is that of a life-sized human made out of discarded machine parts. These recycled parts were strategically positioned to make it appear that half their bodies have been blown away by a severe wind. While the sculptures are completely static, they appear to have a distinct sense of movement and emotion.

That looks extremely top-heavy to me.

Matchbox predicted Tesla Truck

A strange segue to the next Get Learnt Section.


Gather close, children, as I tell a horrific tale of using a separate contraption from your phone called a camera, taking the roll of film out, driving to a photo lab, putting it in an envelope, dropping it in a bin, and then waiting 7-10 days to see pictures unless they lost it.




85,000 German WW1 helmet pyramids displayed in front of Grand Central Terminal, New York c. 1919

When I was a lad every city and town had an Army/Navy Store and it was packed with not only surplus American gear but also German - most of it brand new.

 But really here are the only three that matter to us.
America is $23 trillion in the red.
When losing is not an option you do whatever you have to do to ensure victory.

And playing Sugar Daddy to every country on Earth you would think we would win every UN vote. But no most to those countries take our money with one hand and vote no with the other.
Strange that. 

I found this a very interesting read. I hope you find it likewise.

me: why'd y'all put that man on the moon
NASA employee: no comments until after the tour, please
me: why'd y'all put him up there
NASA employee: he asked too many questions
me: how many
NASA employee: four.
me: is that a lot


Barking or non-barking?


Confusing correlation with causation can get you in some real trouble; such as your aunt giving your cousin vaccinations and he turned out autistic.

But it is next too late to change your mind.
"I was raised by anti-vax, global warming denying, conspiracy believers so until I was about 20 I bought into a ton of crazy stuff. When I finally started doing some research I realized how crazy that was and changed my way of thinking to align with the facts, rather than the nonsense I had been taught. There really is hope for some of us." 

I detest even the notion of inherited titles and such, but I changed my mind about this royal.

Every married man has had to put up with this shit...

Wife: Want to have morning sex?
Me: For real?
Wife: Yes.
Me: Is this a trick?
Wife: No, it's not a trick.
Me: It feels like a trick.
Me: Did you do something you need to apologize for?
Wife: What?! No.
Me: Okay, then!

Wife: Now I'm not in the mood.

I've heard many men complain about their women losing their sex drive after marriage. Well, you men probably stopping taking them out to dinner and helping in the kitchen and listen to her talk.

I cherish women because only they can deliver our most precious gifts.


An old man taking pictures of his wife without her realizing.

In my opinion standing up, pointing a camera and saying "Smile" is the major cause of shit photography. The best photos are candid - where the person doesn't know they are being photographed.

Situational Awareness Can Save Your Life


A message from our reptilian overlords.

Rather provocative.

May I suggest that before you buy a dog take a trip down to the pound and just look over what they have. I've only bought one dog in my whole life and I've had a lot of great mutts.


It's almost 2020 and we still haven't made a smoke detector that can tell the difference between normal cooking mishaps and a house fire.



hard hat 

I bet that is not as difficult as it looks. 



Great victory reaction...

That is amazingly inspiring. 

How to lose your job in one easy step...

I lost my virginity in the back seat of a police car.

Musician Tommy Lee Depp performed a truly mesmerizing cover of the classic Simon and Garfunkel song “The Sound of Silence” on bass with brightly colored strings. Depp not only captured the distinct melody of the song but added in gorgeous harmonics to enhance the rich sound of the instrument. (2 min)


GLINDA: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
DOROTHY: I’m not a witch at all! Witches are old and ugly.
GLINDA: Only bad witches are ugly.
DOROTHY: You literally just asked if I was a bad witch.




















1 comment:

Scott James said...

Visual pun = fading away

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