About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


One Of My Very Own















What is he in training for - the apocalypse? 



Speaking of...


Therapist: According to your wife you only say rude words.
Me: Rude words?
Therapist: Yes.
Me: Rude words?

Wife: See?




The alchemy which is beer making

Each second, 1.5 million tons of solar material shoot off the Sun into space. The magnetosphere shields Earth, but the solar wind can get in near the poles and disrupt satellite, radio & GPS signals.


 An artist’s rendering of comet 67P compared to Los Angeles. It’s situated over 827 million km away from Earth. In 2014, a probe landed on the surface, making it the first time in history we had been able to successfully land on a comet nucleus. According to Wikipedia, there are 26 regions on the comet, each being named after an Egyptian deity.

We need to look at that from time to time just so we don't forget how fucking great science is.

 I would be thought of as an extremely hard worker in Japan.


The app, which has since been withdrawn from sale, was just one of many available from online app store GenePlaza. Billing itself as "a marketplace for genetic reports", this site offers a wide range of genetic tests that promise to reveal unassailable truths about your sleep, health, neuroses, ancestors, and even your intellect.

I wonder how many times that happens in pharmacy research. That being trying to solve one problem only to discover that you solved another.

It's true you know. In every disaster movie, the ruling elite won't listen to the scientists. And with climate change, we are living through our own horror movie.


My grandson just made up his own ukulele song. It seems to be called "Even if I was never born I would still want a popsicle."



That's why nobody wants to invade you.

And remember, all of the attention the truck is getting (pro or con) is free advertisement. 

 Most of them were very clever.
  Then there was this one.

It takes a lot to draw me into a conspiracy, but the cameras malfunctioning was my last straw.

What would powerful people do to shut him up?

 Whatever it took.
And the concern is spreading. Check this out.

Lobster Rolls
 They are better than sex.
That just seemed to fit here. 

Great nipple avoidance skills, Mr. Cameraman...
Not a clue about the popcorn guy.


Me: His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti.
Build-A-Bear employee: no we have nothing like that.



Football player Carson Wentz bruised his finger yesterday and is considered questionable for next week’s game. Meanwhile in hockey...




"Wrong spell."

 And he was dressed for the ride but not the slide.
You can't always count on there being a mattress involved.

Much too fast to react to. Dayum! 

This gun camera footage from a Luftwaffe fighter shows an Allied P-51 Mustang wearing invasion stripes going through the line of fire.
 In terms of numbers, your typical Luftwaffe 20mm cannon is firing at around 675 rounds per minute, so at a given point in the line of fire, there is a shell every 0.0889 seconds.
A P-51 Mustang would easily be flying at 170 meters per second and is 10 meters long. This means that it covers its own length in 0.0588 seconds, so it is entirely possible that a Mustang flying perpendicular to a burst of cannon fire can fly between the shells.  As there are no apparent hits, it must have been that pilot's lucky day.



 Never ever block the breakdown lane.

 Shit, I thought he was going in for the kill.




 🎶Yakety Yak, Don't Talk Back🎶






Anonymous said...

You've lost your touch

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you anon, I know that must have taken a lot of courage. My only wish is to please people like you.
I do take heart in the 2 million people do not share your view. Peace, Gentle Reader.

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