About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


One Of My Very Own














A kid born in the year 2000 will never have to worry about forgetting how old they are.









I couldn't agree more. Every crew needs a lazy man to think of the easiest way to do things. I was that man on many crews. 


This was rather interesting watching shows come and go.


A woman who was briefly arrested and fined a total of $420 for civil offenses back in 2009 has been granted $20,000 by the Supreme Court of Canada. According to reports, Bela Kosoian was at the Montmorency Metro station when a police officer instructed her to “hold the [escalator] handrail” to which she then “refused to comply and declined to identify herself when asked.”
 Several years after being acquitted, filing a $45,000 lawsuit, and having her appeals rejected twice, Kosoian was served the Court verdict that she was not at fault because it was her right to refuse to comply with an unlawful order. 
Half of the cost is to be shouldered each by The Société de transport de Montréal, which operates the Metro station, and by the police officer.



You can not promote principled anti-corruption action without pissing off corrupt people.



When you forget the M in MRI stands for magnetic.

I lost my virginity inside an MRI machine.


 [verification needed]
[verification needed] 

 Caen Hospital (France), November 29th: the workers of the hospital displayed an SOS with the windows in order to protest against the deteriorating working conditions and the continual decline in public funding.

Note water gushing out of the ceiling...

I guess that's why they don't let people sit in the front rows.




Been taught to use "sir" and "ma'am" my entire life and now it is impolite to assume gender.



Mural painted at the Cartford Inn in Lancashire by My Dog Sighs. Stunning! 

By the way, these things are still being made.

These remind me of cairns.
I was taught that they were a way to mark a trail, which these would surely do.

These look a little too fragile to do the job...





You cannot raise your children as your parents raised you because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists.



Zenith Flash-Matic, the First Wireless TV Remote
Once upon a time, there were no remote controls for television sets. Dads everywhere taught their children to change the channels so they could stay in their recliners and watch. I was put to work doing that at an extremely young age, and it wasn't hard to figure out what channel Dad wanted because we only had two. The first remote controls were connected to the set with wires. That was a floor hazard, though, and in 1955, a wireless remote hit the market. The Zenith Flash-Matic was a flashlight that you aimed at the front of your TV set. Really. The complicated bits were on the TV itself.

A blue whale can be seen leaving a trail of green-tinged defecation across the stark blue ocean. Such unique documentation can help researchers better understand what little is understood about these magnificent mammals, including their migratory behavior and food supply, as well as the health of the marine habitat. 

Rate of spin compared to Earth...

A layer of ice over the ocean, cutting off the oxygen supply, would have hindered the forward march of animal life; but fossil evidence indicates that this wasn't even remotely the case. How? Meltwater from glaciers created oxygenated pockets in the oceans. In these oases, chemosynthetic life could wait out the ice age to emerge and continue on the other side.



It's okay to be a little fucked up in the head, we all are. It's only when you are fucked up in the heart that makes you a piece of shit.












 They brought their own bed.
And you can keep the trucks running for warmth. 


It’s beginning to look a lot like seasonal depression.












1 comment:

Scott James said...

Puzzle time - a treat for the eyes

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